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Fancy Idiot's answer page 1 (53)

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The comments on Insta reels. They're so fucking toxic that even Tiktok comments are better to read through. I'll just be watching some innocent and funny video, then bam, some rando with probably no life or trolling will write something misogynistic, homophobic, racist, etc., and then it just breeds more toxicity. Taking care of your mental health ......   8 reply
22 04,2024
about question
I still think that aliens exist, because I feel that this universe is too big for Earth to be the only planet to have living being. ¯_(ツ)_/¯   1 reply
27 02,2021
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Isekai as a genre has a ton of potential, but it's unfortunately very underutilized because people keep using the same settings without any solid worldbuilding, either the medieval video game world with a harem, or a western noble setting with a reverse harem. Cmon, it's fantasy, there is so much you could possibly work with!   7 reply
23 11,2023
Not really, since I read a lot on general, and this is sorta my Manga library. Though, I tend to phase between Manga, webtoons, and novels, so sometimes I'm only here to check on my updates before doing clicking off to do something else.   reply
18 11,2023
APlit was today, and I definitely messed my frqs. Got Calc AB and Spanish next week, so def cooked   3 reply
09 05,2024
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Honestly, as someone who has also read bl since middle school, I've also gotten bored of bl. Personally, I think that it's a good idea to start branching out to new genres. When you get read any genre over a long period of time, everything becomes incredibly repetitive as you recognize the same pattern of events and tropes used. It happened to me w......   1 reply
13 days
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I think these 3 are great villains *spoiler warning*   2 reply
27 10,2023
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Finish the cross stitching project that's been unfinished on my table since 4 months ago.   reply
01 01,2024
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Grape flavored stuff is good (including grape flavored medicine, I loved it as a kid)   2 reply
10 02,2024
It depends. I usually spend more time if I have more updates or reading through a series, around 1-3 hours a day. It also depends on how much free time I have available that day.   reply
29 07,2023
Probably either Canada or any of the Nordic countries, though I'm fine where I'm living rn   reply
22 04,2021
about question
I personally use for anime and for non anime series and movies. With adblock, they're both pretty solid. For books, there are a lot of classics under public domain on Project Gutenberg which you can download.   1 reply
14 days
Fancy Idiot 10 10,2023
I don't have a cat, but my grandma has a cat named Peluza. She's super adorable. Here's some pics of her   2 reply
10 10,2023
Experiment with my looks and clothing. As a girl I'd be pretty average size, but as a dude I'd be pretty tall, and I will take advantage of that. I could also take multiple samples from sample stands since they'd probably presume I'm my own sibling, or smth like that.   reply
07 11,2023
about dating
Yeah, at my job at a nearby waterpark on the past, there were two instances where people gave me a free sealed bottle drink (one tome a water, another time a ginger ale) as a thank you for some reason. Since it was super hot outside, summer and all, it was greatly appreciated, especially the one time I got stuck at the exit gate for over 2 hours an......   reply
29 11,2023
I've got quite a couple -childhood friends to lovers. I don't know, I usually find them boring -Crown prince love interest. They get on my nerves somehow -Naive protagonists who are only meant to be cute and have no character beyond how pure and innocent they are -when a character and their love interest are both blond or both redheads. They look l......   1 reply
19 01,2024
about question
One Punch Man …Don't know if I really wanna live there, but it would be cool to see the heroes in action and meet them, if I don't die first that is.   reply
20 04,2021