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sb07's answer page 1 (86)

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27 01,2021
how are the people not going to wear masks because "its their body and their choice" but wont let women abort a clump of cells. Make it make sense   reply
27 01,2021
09 01,2021
i saw my reading manga and said hell no but i still clicked because i got curious. Then i saw the cover page and clicked out. Fuck that nasty asf   reply
09 01,2021
WHO THE FUCK WENT INTO MY ROOM YOU UGLY OOMPA LOOMPA HEAD ASS BITCHES WHEN I FIND YOU ILL FUCKING RIP YOUR WEAVE OFF (but honestly i kinda want to live with you guys now this shits so funny)   2 reply
29 06,2021
i threaten it sometimes ngl but im not surprised by any of our answers because almost all of us on this website need help. like we're fucking mental. j saying   1 reply
07 04,2021
about question
23 04,2021
i know these people but ive never talked to them before so im just here for the drama. this is an illegal manga site and yall are acting like its twitter...not complaining tho funny as shit   reply
23 04,2021
mmmm...   1 reply
23 04,2021
24 05,2021
dad joke vibes   reply
24 05,2021
about question
i didnt drop it on webtoon but i stopped reading for a while because the section that i was in was getting long (jake kim) but i love the author and the story so ill prob pick it back up soon   reply
26 05,2021
about question
my grades are actually really good like 95 and above for every class even though everything is half assed and i turn everything in late   2 reply
10 06,2021
there's no plot and there is rape but i like toono and the photgrapher guy(I forgot his name)   reply
30 01,2021
this site will literally get taken down. there are other sites people can use and if they just search up free manga on google it will show or you can tell your friends but dont spread on social media because that how authors will find it. im usually against gatekeeping but this is kinda different   1 reply
07 04,2021
about question
11 06,2021
not in my school but once on the news there was a girl at this school who stayed in the bathroom all day and people saw 25 guys go in and out all day and she fucked them in there. Then they interview people in the neighborhood abt it and some grandma said that the girl's mom did that too. I dont remember what kinda ghetto ass local new channel but ......   1 reply
18 03,2021
about question
when i was in with the "popular kids" *projectile vomits*   1 reply
02 06,2021
about lmao
yes please   reply
31 01,2021
So this is different for everyone but i think that the author did an amazing job of writing seeing as not just me a bunch of others are also fuckin TRAUMATIZED. It was not a healthy story, it's a literal tragedy so it's not for the faint of heart i would say. It was a good story but really fucked to sum it up   reply
05 01,2021
27 05,2021
sleep is for the weak   reply
03 03,2021
this fucking question is the weirdest thing i've ever seen. Y'all are FUCKED up   1 reply
20 01,2021
huh?   reply
04 02,2021