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charcoal's answer page 1 (194)

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about question
05 06,2021
I can't even remember what I did yesterday and you expect me to remember this-   reply
05 06,2021
Beelzebub, it got cancelled because babi had his pp outalso zombie desu ka, the only harem anime I've actually liked (=・ω・=)this one is a new one but still should be 100x more popular, I'm reading the novel and (▰˘◡˘▰)only photo I have lol, it's called thousand autumns   3 reply
10 03,2021
about question
01 06,2021
I can't   1 reply
08 06,2021
Jupiter, yes it does rain diamonds.   reply
06 06,2021
another day goes by where I regret my life decisions   reply
01 06,2021
about question
smexy   3 reply
04 02,2021
When the rapist victim blames, why is this even a trope, like get your ratty, toe fungus smelling, noncy ass outa here. Ain't nobody like you here.   1 reply
11 04,2021
about lmao
children   reply
18 04,2021
about question
09 04,2021
Haven't even loved someone irl   1 reply
09 04,2021
about question
Blinded by the power of christ   reply
13 06,2021
Don't ask because I don't know either   4 reply
11 06,2021
24 02,2021
People, please just let me live the way I want and don't force me to learn a religion when I do not believe in it ┗( T﹏T )┛   reply
24 02,2021
nobody is stopping you, go ahead!   1 reply
04 06,2021
"Charcoal, dinners ready!"   reply
21 05,2021
02 03,2021
Simp sheet :)   3 reply
02 03,2021
about question
I- What?   reply
09 04,2021