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pilot's answer page 4 (384)

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about question
05 02,2024
She gotta die Tbh   3 reply
05 02,2024
about question
20 07,2023
Right let's talk about the economic state of the world right now people   reply
20 07,2023
about question
The fact that no 7ft tall man has approached me and told me that he'll take care of me for the rest of my life and I don't have to worry about my financial status because he's got me covered and when he dies he'll leave all the money to me, like why are men so useless nowadays   5 reply
01 12,2023
This is so your alt account   2 reply
09 02,2024
about question
23 12,2023
Hopefully they Ban gay marriage again   5 reply
23 12,2023
What's with y'all and dick riding some of these users, like certain nggas in this site be saying the most basic Opinion and y'all up in the replies sucking their dick, "9/11 was bad" typa shit, Hello what's this behaviour?   9 reply
25 11,2023
about question
The baby gotta go , immediately   1 reply
12 01,2024
Some of you needa grow the fuck up   reply
20 12,2023
25 11,2023
I disagree   reply
25 11,2023
about question
My mama and fat bastard of a father beat me if I fail also I really like money   1 reply
21 12,2023
Never give up (I'm losing my shit)   1 reply
04 09,2023
08 12,2023
I figured I was a greedy bastard who wanted the best of both worlds, but like ion really think there's need for a label fr, just date whatever you're attracted 2   3 reply
08 12,2023
Sunbeam baebae that nigga got sum against me, always twisting my words, like you is ruining my vibes, Ugh why is no one else name dropping tho   5 reply
10 01,2024
I'm not even being funny but you don't see anyone actually go by this pronouns in real life so why so mad? I guess I'm biased cause I use he they pronouns but let's keep it abuck for a second have you ever seen someone use an emoji pronoun in real life? No man it's mostly people who are chronically online so why not ignore it since it's easier to a......   2 reply
22 08,2023
I'll ride every ngga in this site   5 reply
18 11,2023
about question
You've lost your mind   1 reply
28 11,2023
about question
Suicide   1 reply
13 10,2023
about question
28 01,2024
Y'all still making corny jokes like this?   1 reply
28 01,2024
29 08,2023
You both weird as hell idk what to tell you   reply
29 08,2023
about question
Ur not gonna make it in life if you don't pass the course   reply
27 11,2023