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Bitch I'm up's question page 3 (338)

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about question
What is your favorite ship in the show??
30 05,2021
about have sex
Personally I don't get all the hype it's boring playing a lot of games like it out there complete trash definitely don't recommend OK now that I tricked you on pushing this question what I just said was complete bullshit the games 10 out of 10 not a game out there like it like best game ever the characters are so awesome the avengers the plot everything is 10 out of 10!!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
28 05,2021
about question
So I just touched from frozen ice for like maybe 4 seconds at most and oh my god my fingers hurt so much I feel like if I just poke at them my skin will start to peel ╥﹏╥
04 05,2021
OK so I want to my friend's house and she sat on me while playing down on the couch whatever not that big of a deal then start jumping on me OK whatever just like a little play whatever and then I've nowhere we kissed I don't know why then she told her parents or something cause she can't lie like she cannot lie at all and then her mom told my family and SCHITT WHAT DOWN! (/TДT)/
23 05,2021
about question
Start a random af fight in the replies
29 11,2023
about question
Honestly no like I've never had a painful experience when it comes to periods besides the blood coming out of me and me crying aka my mood it's like a normal few days
23 12,2023
So like where you guys at because I just figured this out about myself literally this month and I need some friends to talk to of course I'm probably not going to respond because I'm going offline for god knows how long but still ;-;
26 01,2024
about question
I'll give you a few hints he has red hair he has a dragon as his friend he has the main character as his friend he's a f****** hot b**** that deserves the world doesn't give a s*** about people and he comes from trash of the count's family can you guess it
20 06,2021
I literally hate that brown headed guy so fucking much every time I see him I want to cry please tell me I'm not the only 1 that wants to fucking shoot it and strangle him and fucking torture him (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
16 07,2021
about question
So my little sister is attached to my mom okay whatever but it's going better but here's a problems she started to become clingy towards me and even calls me mom it's a problem cause it's not really that new that she calls me mom the problem is she become to clingy it's becoming a problem
22 05,2021
about draw yaoi
Like I understand a lot of people kinda got bored because we couldn't do a lot of things like comment and stuff for like a year and a half or whatever but like 60% of people on here disappeared
14 11,2023
1 to a restaurant today in there was this girl so I seen her I think I developed a crush cause oh my god she was totally my type she literally looks like the main character from national school prince is actually a girl bullet black hair and cute glasses but I don't think she's into girls so kind of sad ╥﹏╥
10 05,2021
about question
Bro I looked up because....well I think we all know what I was trying to look up but anyways and something really weird showed up like wth is this?
21 11,2023
about question
spongebob on I know what you're thinking but at the time I was really bored and had nothing else to do plus this was when human spongebob characters were getting popular on tiktok ok
25 12,2023
Personally I would die for that ship to come true because that ship is so perfect I don't think there's any gonna ship that's more perfect than that can you guys think of a better ship?
18 05,2021