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волк's question page 1 (102)

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01 03,2021
Tell me ur grades plz

English - A
History - A
Science - D
PE - A
Math - B
6th period - B
01 03,2021
26 01,2021
Funny manga/manhua frames that make you chuckle
26 01,2021
05 05,2021
Raw cookie dough is bussin
05 05,2021
Y do so many people simp for hisoka? Like I get he's hot but did they forget he's a pedo? Like god damn
18 03,2021
about question
I have a math packet and math test due tomorrow. I want to ask my mom for help but I'm afraid she'll snap at me for not telling her earlier despite telling her last week. Plus the math packet has 43 questions on a topic I'm confused about. Y does math have to literally fist fuck me in the ass.

Sorry, I just have to vent
16 02,2021
about question
How are you guys doing?
05 07,2021
about question
It's 4:13 a.m and I've not been able to sleep. I tried drinking some milk to get me sleepy but now my stomach hurts like hell. It is NOT period cramps, I've had it since 2:30 a.m, I've thrown up, and tried shitting but nothing is working
31 05,2021
11 03,2021
Is mobile instagram not working for you guys? For some reason it exits me out immediately after I press the app
11 03,2021
26 04,2024
Every smut yaoi starts with a sex scene then "how did I end up in this situation "
26 04,2024
about question
So there's this guy I consider to be one of my closest friends. He's nice, chill, and understanding. Before hoco, he asked me to go with him and I told him that i think I like u but i'm not sure so we should go just as friends. During hoco though, he wanted to talk with me alone and confessed to me and said he wanted to date. I told him again that I'm unsure of my feelings and don't want to hurt him in case I don't like him back. He says he's fine with taking his chances and we should trial date to see if my feelings would change and I agreed. So now we're kinda dating but if I actually feel sick. Like when I think about it, I feel like I'm going to vomit. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship. Give me advice plz
16 10,2023
I just had the biggest throwback to old shows like yo Gabba Gabba and Ni Hao, Kai-Lan but now I'm stumped. There's this one show that had a lot of singing, dancing, and smoothies. It was also live action, kinda like lazy town. I think it aired on nick Jr but idk. I am very desperate to find it, plz help.
08 04,2021
08 05,2021
What you know about rollin' down in the deep
08 05,2021
about question
13 07,2021
This is TMI so read at ur own risk
I've been sitting on the toilet for over an hour and I'm so constipated. I am in pain. I've taken two laxative pills but barely anything is coming out. Gyduwiqqqkrj
13 07,2021
01 07,2021
Write lyrics to a song and see if people can guess it in the replies
01 07,2021
about crying
I'm pretty good in making soft boiled ramen eggs ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
19 06,2021
Your 6th, 8th, and 10th ss are your group members
24 05,2021