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Anczar's answer page 3 (89)

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because nobody mention them yet, beside the one mentioned already i like this one yuzuki familys four sons   reply
25 12,2023
Anczar 23 02,2024
My broken Mariko   1 reply
23 02,2024
Anczar 29 03,2020
Some that i generated lmao   reply
29 03,2020
I remember the yuri on ice toilet dj, the author got a death threats lol   reply
25 06,2020
A tired graphic designer here~ people often asked if im angry but it just my resting bitch face . I like older man and woman   1 reply
01 06,2021
Anczar 05 02,2020
Congrats on your first tablet! My only advice is practice and get used to it, i mean what else? Iknow its a cliche answer but practice is the shit. Before how do you draw using mouse? Is it by tracing your own drawing? If so try using the same method you used to draw with mouse but now with tablet,thats how i used to do it..just untill you get th......   1 reply
05 02,2020
牛仔裤 idk what this is   1 reply
07 03,2021
Anczar 16 09,2023
she cute   reply
16 09,2023
i start using in 2016, before we dont have ads when you dont have an account until 2017 i make an account because they started pushing the ladyfirst ad on every page. what i remembered most is every day theres a war in viewfinder comment section   1 reply
13 days
about lmao
an asshole was born and his partner in crime   reply
11 04,2021
Anczar 31 03,2020
I have few scene or quote that i think about a lot, mostly because it struck deep inside or just some funny shit This scene is so dmn sad   reply
31 03,2020
about question
apparently this guy, he's hot. from sugar rain manhwa   reply
24 07,2023
about question
i always use paypal to commision artist. be careful with scammers tho. and always ask for deposit before doing any heavy work like lineart and all that stuff   2 reply
25 04,2024
about question
i eat bakso every sunday when theres a night market lol noodles with meatballs   2 reply
20 08,2023
a lot of   2 reply
29 01,2024
about question
she cool   reply
10 09,2023
about question
this remind me of a comic about the creator..   1 reply
22 11,2023
Nasi goreng(fried rice)   4 reply
18 02,2017
Oc, a pervert probably   reply
06 06,2021
mine :⁠-⁠)   reply
23 09,2023