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Nye's answer page 3 (458)

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Y’all make my neck itch and eye twitch   reply
17 02,2024
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Yup, got on and it said 58 notifications.   5 reply
25 days
Yes this^^^ People who never ever speak up about rape and sexual assault are only caring because of a stupid edgy kid on TikTok making a “rumor”. It’s sad, because after that, they’re just going to forget and not say anything or speak up until someone else makes the same “rumor” for clout, and the cycle repeats. Performative and conditi......   reply
24 04,2021
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I’m literally Miles Morales!!!!!!!!/!/))/!.91919/$@-.’   reply
23 days
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IJBOL is the superior term, like it’s classless, a horrible acronym, and 9/10 you can’t tell the difference between it and a slur. Perfect   5 reply
07 02,2024
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24 03,2024
Because in lesbian relationships y’all go from 0 to 100 in the span of four minutes. Lesbians don’t know the meaning of slow, if you haven’t already had a grandchild by the next week then you’re moving like a snail. Lesbians play hard, die hard. All or nothing with them bruh. Can’t blame y’all tho, im looking for a step-stud to be my ba......   1 reply
24 03,2024
about question
The person will always show up in the art. At the end of the day, it depends on what you value; the harm the person causes, or their art. Sometimes people gotta learn to cope with not supporting every piece of art they like.   3 reply
02 12,2023
I promise you, mggo is not the biggest site for mangas out there, making the likelihood of it getting taken down lower. The headline could’ve just been dramatic, but if z-library lasted a long time even with 7+ lawsuits against them, mggo still got time.   2 reply
09 12,2023
11 07,2021
You’d get a better response from a wall than these weirdos who also read it on the DL. Not surprised people are defending them, these users are fatherless   2 reply
11 07,2021
21 05,2021
We’re you “attacked” or heavily criticized for having a neutral stance in a child groomer?   1 reply
21 05,2021
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That random racism with a lot of manwha where they make the dark(er) looking people slaves or cheap antagonist to be violently beaten up.   1 reply
19 02,2024
It’s great in which it can be an allegory for queerness, but it fails when it falls back into bioessentialist plot devices like “you can’t change who you are” and “your body determines what you are”. Like that’s so dumb when even in their own story it shows the fluidity of “sexes” or “second genders” by someone “presenting�......   2 reply
30 12,2023
about question
Whole comment section be like: the second someone talks more than 5 words yalls brain explode and have an aneurysm. This is how I know y’all don’t even be reading the books y’all claim to be “just focusing on instead of doing talking about *this* ”. Y’all just want a quick upvote and Kiki wit some lame as niggas to get their demented ap......   3 reply
07 04,2024
02 08,2023
Some wips I will probably never finish   1 reply
02 08,2023
09 04,2024
A good president is an oxymoron. Voting is bad yall   5 reply
09 04,2024
Shit was crazy. And the funny part is, the teacher talking about racism with blonde hair and blue eyes. the author knew damn well that even racist won’t even try to discriminate cause he look just like the rest of them!   1 reply
11 09,2023
Don’t name yourself after a porn genre and be surprised when people find ya weird. Can’t make the argument that it’s just “bl” in general cause no one thinks of yaoi and assumes some wholesome shit, and neither do the people who call themselves that, so let’s be honest with ourselves and admit they have a porn problem significant enough......   6 reply
21 03,2024
Y’all dumbass takes on religion and the hypocrisy I see every time someone brings it up. Though I’m not going to sit here and lie and say that I didn’t use to be one of them saying it loud and proud with my chest.. Y’all be like “sky daddy sucks, he’s so inconsistent” then turn around and have “respect Muslims”. Y’all talk shit......   4 reply
21 05,2021
31 05,2021
Ion care bout any of this at all, but I think we can all mutually agree that the only genre that takes continuous L’s is Omegaverse. Miss after miss no matter who writes it.   1 reply
31 05,2021
Claiming to care about misogyny when you actively and intentionally consider some women more valid than others. Y’all are roleplayers. Unserious bunch.   reply
10 05,2024