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Nye's answer page 4 (458)

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What a divided reply section   reply
05 04,2024
about gay panic
This was at contest a couple days ago, but this dude, in the middle of public mind you, started rubbing his friends nipples through the uniform. A couple guys jumped in doing the same thing, bro was getting passed around like a toy?—?-??- I’m so glad no one took a pic at that moment because the look of disgust on my face was palatable.   reply
18 09,2023
This is a prime example as to why hot take culture is such brain rot. No Tea no shade to the OP, but I’m wondering if u truly understand that racism is constantly changing how it presents itself to fit with modern times. Are palmed colored folk really being “viciously attacked” with no rhyme or reason, or did you not understand the point bei......   1 reply
20 07,2021
Yes, I was the one that made it. I’m still friends with some of the ex-staff members I had. Here’s a past google doc link of one of our past issues if anyone wants to see what it was like   9 reply
21 01,2024
19 05,2021
Cw: pedophila, child abuse. I found a pedophile (not someone trolling, like he was genuinely a pedophile) This person isn’t related to mggo, but I found them through here. Before anyone was really speaking about the shota “no cover” image, I was digging around old post, questions, threads, anything to see if someone, ANYONE, acknowledged ......   1 reply
19 05,2021
It boggles me that people come in this website and think their opinions on someone’s pronouns, and how they feel about it matters. What people are trying to do is stigmatize assuming someone’s gender/pronouns. They’re literally trying to create a space where people don’t assume it. We can’t have something if we don’t work for it. You�......   1 reply
23 05,2021
The pregnant trope. Could either be the MC is pregnant and they run away with the child, or the MC lover impregnated someone else. I just got done reading a Wattpad book where this girls mate got another girl pregant, and her mates dad also got another girl pregnant, and the child of that affair also got another girl besides his mate pregnant. And ......   3 reply
14 days
about question
06 11,2023
I think this is pretty accurate   reply
06 11,2023
about question
Marceline the vampire queen from adventure time!   3 reply
31 10,2023
12 04,2021
African diaspora wars are truly embarrassing. At the end of the day, we all getting called monkey   3 reply
12 04,2021
Read this for more context   1 reply
06 05,2021
about question
I don’t think y’all partake in critical thinking, and learn the context of words and how it affects people based on how it’s used and who it’s directed towards. Y’all see something you don’t like and blame it on twt and cancel culture, when no one mentioned cancelling, and no one acknowledges it’s been around before the Internet. I......   reply
14 06,2021
about question
Y’all need a class on desire. Nothing you do, say, or write in this case exists outside of harmful influences (oppressive structures. In this case homophobia and internalized misogyny). Maybe it’s better not to write about experiences you are not apart of when you know that your desire from the surface to the root will always be polluted harmfu......   2 reply
23 03,2024
about question
Why would I want to built community with people who think I’m sub-human and only want the brutalization and death of anyone who looks/acts like me.   reply
22 04,2024
25 10,2023
The problem might be an API issue. If you notice how most (from what I could tell) stories that have broken covers typically have no summary as well. No summary indicated that it was most likely uploaded by a mggo bot, and whatever site scrapper or API they’re using is 1.) not getting the pictures properly or 2.) the server that hosts all the ima......   2 reply
25 10,2023
about question
Borders shouldn’t exist and neither should presidents/monarchs/ or rulers. Horizontal community work >>>>>   3 reply
09 02,2024
about question
09 04,2021
Rate my clarinet. I don’t care what y’all think about me, I want to know what y’all think of my prize and joy   11 reply
09 04,2021
06 03,2021
06 03,2021
21 01,2024
Another day of not being included in site drama— feeling fresh, feeling good, feeling normal. Yknow, i exude this sense of calm in irl having never had a person (out loud and actively) hate me in my whole life. Always go to sleep wonderfully knowing nobody is calling me out my name.   3 reply
21 01,2024
about question
People are forgetting that anime is an art style. If shota or loli (csem) was drawn in a realism style, people would not be talking out they neck like this. At the end of the day, what’s the difference between anime kids in sexually explicit situations and realistic drawn kids in sexually explicit situations? It’s still the same concept like?!?......   reply
23 08,2023