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bakaneko's answer (15)

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about question
I forgot the title and I don't wish to remember or try to ever find it again, but I once read this yaoi manga where a guy found a snake that became a human and they had sex but then this snake turned into a dragon so homeboy got his ass railed by dragon's dick(s), it was bearable until the dragon turned again into a DEITY or some god kinda thing so......   5 reply
03 11,2023
1.2.i was in a black hole of grief for years since highschool and i wished for the days just stopped coming every morning. i kept myself from reading these it until 5 years later when i finally felt like "moving on", and these 2 scenes really hit me bc it was the first time i felt that my suffocating feelings were being put into words for me by the......   1 reply
13 01,2024
about question
definitely Trash of the Count's Family. i wanna see Cale Henituse's beauty with my own eyes and potentially get my ass blasted off by his bodyguards bc i'm gonna propose to him while i'm at it   1 reply
17 days
about question
It has been 4 hours since I started entering the area with my trustful rifle, managed to find decent loots of building materials and weapon parts. I found dead bodies of people I didn't know, but I got to stole their dogtags and I even found some signature english tea blend in their bags. I don't have enough water with me tho, it's not like I can j......   1 reply
03 11,2023
about question
my dumbass forgetting that the reason i started wearing hijab was to hide how i looked too masculine as a female with my men's cut (this exact one) so there's actually not much difference in appearance... guess i'm already my male version wtf so underwhelming   1 reply
18 12,2023
in middle school i was so concerned of getting bullied bc this girl in the class right beside mine liked to extort money from most people passing by (seniors excluded) with her lil friends and i was a class president so i met them A LOT on the way from and to my class everyday. long story short i ended up becoming this girl's "sugar daddy"... every......   reply
18 01,2024
my struggle meal is eating fried rice with fresh white rice in halves lol   reply
13 10,2023
i was one of the student council coordinators in highschool so when the new year started we went to each classes of freshmen for introduction and i shared my ig acc, a girl actually sent me a dm and wrote a pretty long paragraph like "i recognized you right away when you walked in senpai(equivalent to it), i was so happy to see you. i've always lik......   1 reply
30 12,2023
about question
gosh i hate those kind of creepy dreams too where you repeat the same moments again and again until something changes and you flinched awake so i feel you but the dream that really got me felt really sick to my stomach was when i dreamed of working as a homicide detective and i was solving a serial murder case and tried to find a missing victim, b......   1 reply
05 01,2024
i'm no way a skincare expert but from my own personal experience bc i started wearing skincare pretty late as well i started off by using a series (facewash, toner, serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen already included) from the same brand! the less irritating or risky series is usually one for skin barrier, dry skin, or sensitive skin. if it's too mu......   reply
27 12,2023
i'd sell my soul for a black forest cake. i love the cherry and whipped cream taste a lot more than regular chocolate cake or any other cake. a very close 2nd place is a good ol lemon cake i guess   reply
15 days
but i'm too similiar with jeonghan like besties-vibe to be topping him- we might end up bickering all night instead   1 reply
27 12,2023
i tried to kms 3 different times throughout my senior years of high school after my adoptive mom suddenly passed away. obviously failed all 3 and to this day that i'm 26 i can't explain how devastatingly DISAPPOINTING when i still woke up in the morning after every attempts. so i stopped trying bc i figured no matter how hard i tried to die, if God......   reply
7 days
about question
close friends or not, if you feel insulted by what anyone said to you then you need to confirm what they meant by saying that and you need to tell them how you actually feel about it. for me, we can't expect everyone to always be nice since we're all humans with our own circumtances, so we need to either care less about the flaws (not taking everyt......   reply
22 04,2024
i'm a panromantic asexual, but along the years i do realize that i've dated women a lot more bc i'm not as comfortable being with men. good for me   reply
13 10,2023