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Neko Nyan's question (2)

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Tell me experienced people of this world,,, is there any good idea to what to do when you don't know what you wan't to do after high school?

I'm a senior in HS with absolutely no future plans. TBH I want a job where I can just read manga and sleep all day but unfortunately I don't see any postings for those on Indeed ;-; I did apply to like 2 schools just because, but i don't really feel like spending thousands of dollars (yes I'm in America) when I don't even know what I want to do.
My mom ready to kick me out in 4 months, so I either need to get into school or find a job... But I don't know what to do.

Was there anyone else in a similar situation like mine who got their life sorted out..?? Plz help!
14 02,2021
about question
I've always had this problem where I feel tremendously disgusted when someone likes me romantically.
First time I experienced this was in early high school when there was a boy who I texted often (personally didn't mean much by it) but then I heard that he liked me from his friend and I just felt to disgusted I actually ghosted him and blocked him.
I feel awful for what I did, but I simply can't stand someone being in love with me, or even the thought of it.
I identify as an Asexual, and I can like people (like I have crushes), but can't handle being loved.
Is this just me??? Is this a mental problems that could be cured??
Any info would help thanks!
01 11,2020