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Neko Nyan's answer (5)

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I don't think it's weird. If you want to fall in live, you just gotta try harder. I have a phobia of men, or rather I am super uncomfortable with guys (even my own family) and I also can't handle skin to skin contact at all, so relationships are not really in the near future for me. I'm also not pretty based on society standards, and I still want t......   reply
27 04,2018
I wasn't this bad when I first started... It used to be only couple times a week but now its every day. My morning (when I wake up) usually starts with reading BL (I even try to wake up early for this). I downloaded BL books in my phone so that I can read while going to school... When I come home, I open up mangago. And then I read yaoi till late a......   2 reply
23 08,2018
Probably unknown in US (or wherever else actually), my first fictional crush would have been Gacchan from Yattaman lol. How old was I? 5?? And no doubt I was jealous of his partner Ai-chan. I must have been an emotional 5 year old... I don't remember too much, but I also had a crush on Howl from Howl's moving castle (who can resist that handsome f......   reply
23 08,2018
Both! I really would love to make cute younger boys cry, but I would also like getting dominated by older men~~~~ (///v///)   2 reply
10 04,2018