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Namjesus's answer page 2 (102)

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He is a creep. Dont let yourself feel bad. Prioritize yourself please. Making you uncomfortable is enough reason to block him on everything. Also the fact that u rejected him but he is still talking as if u both are dating is your cue to get the fuck away from him.   1 reply
23 days
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Yours to claim. We are just going in circles with this story   1 reply
19 02,2024
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How come you trust mggo users.. its kind of a porn site. Anyway... search on yt about freelancing.. you will get some good videos... they will tell you how the market is now and what skill u need to learn.   1 reply
26 04,2024
about question
Nah. Read whatever you want. Its none of anyone's business   reply
03 05,2024
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I took mine from a meme.   2 reply
28 days
just cant trust anyone enough to share that kind of intimate moment with them. Ive seen too much i mean too much abusive relationships. Whenever someone shows interest in me romantically, i just cut them off. Im fine as long as they are my friend but when things go that way, i just back out. And i dont think there is anything that will break it. I......   reply
21 04,2024
Got scholarship for my boards result. :)   reply
18 02,2024
28 04,2024
The harry potter series. These movies allowed me to escape my ceappy life back then. I will re-watch them anytime over any new movie.   2 reply
28 04,2024
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What a day to be literate   reply
03 03,2024
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It's not a selfie. My sister clicked it when i was sleeping.   reply
27 02,2024
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Attack on titan. I loved the unpredictability of this anime. i couldnt guess any of those plot twist and was genuinely shocked. Also the korean movie ''no mercy(2010)" and the kdrama "mouse"   2 reply
16 days
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Breaking up with him would be a good idea.   reply
28 02,2024
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It's gonna happen naturally. U cant force it.   reply
03 03,2024
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Boobs   reply
03 05,2024
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Golden retriever × black cat trope.   reply
06 02,2024
Nah never. I am too careful about these things. If j ver get caught, i will be killed on spot(my parents are brown so yeah)   reply
18 days
Israel tried to recognize this country after their independence but this country rejected the recognition   3 reply
05 05,2024
about drawing
Yea.   reply
15 02,2024
I mean.. yeah.. sometimes we say things that are out of pocket but thats mostly are inside joke of this fandom. But people act like we commiting genocide or something. There are worse people here simping for literal child characters. But no one bats an eye when that happens.   1 reply
5 days
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10 days
Put it up for adoption. You should only bring a cat or other animals after u r fully prepared for it. U r not ready and it will be a bad experience for both u and the cat.   reply
10 days