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Namjesus's answer page 4 (101)

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I dont know when and how i am supposed to discipline them. I am afraid i might punish them too much or too little and that will affect their entire life. Also i am afraid of pregnancy so i aint doing it ever. I just want to live with bunch of cats in a small house and pass away unexpectedly in my sofa from heart attack or something.   reply
26 days
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Study well. Its a very crucial time for you. How u utilize your time now might decide the rest of your life.   reply
05 04,2024
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Maybe u r getting horny over the kinks shown there rather than the sexuality.   reply
6 days
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Boiled fish, chicken, dry food and wet food. I feed him three times a day. He doesn't like wet food and idk why. I brought bunch of wet food cause people told me cats loved it. When i gave it to my cat, he sniffed it and left the room. He didnt even touch it smh. Every cat is different. You can try different things and figure out what he likes.   reply
19 days
about be lgbtq
I just dont come out to em. They are stupid and there is no benefit arguring with stupid people.   reply
16 03,2024
Both these comments and post disturbing   reply
24 04,2024
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The fact that i can actually understand math now.   reply
02 02,2024
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Too tired to give a fuck about this world.   reply
25 days
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I think i will let them have internet access. I mean.. I grew up fine.. They will too.. Ig :)   reply
02 02,2024
That i am bi and ive been in love with one of my classmate who is a girl for 4 years. My family will lose their mind if they know about it. I also suffered from depression and tried to kill myself in 2018 and 2020. They have no idea about it. Also they dont know what i read all day lol.   reply
26 01,2024
Oh hell nah.   reply
15 03,2024
about question
Yeah. If the teacher is single then most of the time it works. I recently visited an relative of mine. Her son is a school teacher who recently got married. I saw his wife and asked the relative how old the wife was..... she said she is 18 and she was his student and their marriage is a love marriage. That wife is younger than me. And i am nowher......   1 reply
03 05,2024
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For anime i use 9anime. For asian dramas i use dramacool. U can also use kissasian.   reply
5 minutes
about eat ass
Omniscient reader( i recently learnt about it), s classes that i raised, cant think straight, predatory marriage, broke ring, love in orbit, romace but not romantic, arts manz, chaotic night. Exams ended so i am enojying myself now :)   1 reply
06 04,2024
It was an arranged marriage. We are brown so it was common for parents to marry off their daughter young. So my mom was 15 when she got married.   reply
29 01,2024
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Im going to a dental college. I kinda regret it cause my dream was to do mbbs. But i couldnt get into any college for mbbs. ╥﹏╥   reply
10 03,2024
I am not comfortable with revealing my face and name. Ive never done that even with my online friend who has known me for 5 years.   reply
14 days
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16 days
Sure!   reply
16 days
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Baek youngchan   reply
2 days
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18 04,2024
16:8 diet works for me. Eat for 8 hours then water fast for 16 hours. sleep for 8 hours and try stop eating 4 hours before bed and start eating 4 hours after waking up. But dont do this for long time cause it will cause some health issue. Also cut off sugary beverages. Stick to water only. Cutting off sugary beverages helped me lose weight without......   1 reply
18 04,2024