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レイ♥'s answer (9)

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about penpals
no cuz i can legit hear him yelling kenny   2 reply
05 05,2021
レイ♥ 11 05,2021
11 05,2021
about question
レイ♥ 06 05,2021
06 05,2021
about question
happy birthday love   reply
20 05,2021
about question
oml i got raphtalia- BRO PLS SHES PRETTY   reply
08 05,2021
pls i got 8/19   reply
08 05,2021
about question
yes and i think of it as complete bullshit. im just saying what if the relationship falls apart once someone gets married and theres legit no effort in it- like i aint spending all that money for a god damn man who probably isnt worth my time PERIODT. also divorce is hella expensive too so ima just stay single. you dont need a man to be happy.   reply
24 05,2021
to all my fellow arabs yall should know this song LMFAOOAOA ( this isnt my fav but its common in arab weddings they always play it at parties too )   reply
18 05,2021
about question
if i was a male and looked like this sheeshhh id have a crush on myself   reply
25 04,2021