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shingeki_no_no_oh_hell_no's answer page 2 (60)

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i can barely keep up with my fandoms as it is, an anime might just kill me that said, killing stalking, if i'm watching a show i want thrills & action   reply
12 10,2017
wow i would have a lot of free time, which i would find new ways to waste   reply
12 10,2017
i would try not to indicate that i am relieved they aren't straight i would raise kids like "your sexuality is valid and equal whatever it is and there is no right and wrong and i love you" but secretly i would be sad if all of my kids were straight   2 reply
26 05,2017
I like people being rough/violent/cruel to me, but then I like to respond in kind. So I guess a power M?   reply
05 05,2017
about penpals
ey oh! pan here   reply
28 11,2017
I love being single, but I'd like to get married for a couple of time. For now, I'm not drawn to the idea of a 'for the rest of our lifes, death do we part' marriage. For me, having a marriage that ends in divorce wouldn't necessarily be a failure, if the years spent together were what I'd wanted them to be. The exception will probably be when I'm ......   reply
21 05,2017
saezuru tori wa habatakanai saezuru tori wa habatakanai saezuru tori wa habatakanai saezuru tori wa habatakanai saezuru tori wa habatakanai saezuru tori wa habatakanai saezuru tori wa habatakanai saezuru tori wa habatakanai saezuru tori wa habatakanai saezuru tori wa habatakanai saezuru tori wa habatakanai saezuru tori wa habatakanai saezuru tori w......   reply
08 06,2017
25, lost update: pansexual genderqueer. seems obvious now. but damn did society make it hella hard to figure out   reply
24 07,2017
about being gay
pansexual here, very strong feelings about increasing lgbtqa+ visibility and civil rights. I also tend to get more nervous around women I'm attracted to! I get crushes on women more easily than on men, which is part of it. I think it's also because I have more in common with women and value their approval, and of course I've learned to be less trus......   1 reply
25 01,2018
I didn't have sex with other people until my 20s, mostly because I was super awkward and really inhibited. I did masturbate (can we say that on mangago?) and have toys, so when I finally did have penetrative sex it wasn't painful or overwhelmingly new. I regret a little not doing it sooner, but it doesn't particularly bother me. I think I learned ......   1 reply
04 02,2018
we're all going to die, life is impermanent, so pack as much cool shit in there as you can   reply
06 05,2017
best: "I just wanted to tell you you're hair's awesome, thanks for brightening up the room" (my hair was blue)   reply
29 05,2017
pass, i hate math   reply
21 10,2017
Do you mean one that wasn't appropriate for the story (such as laughing at a tragedy, etc)? Or just had a really strong emotion? I think part of the reason yaoi is so popular is that fujoshi's feel able to experiences strong emotions (including humor, joy, sadness, angry, at that jazz) from the stories. Sometimes it's not even that the story makes ......   reply
05 06,2017
i encountered yaoi years after discovering internet porn, so it wasn't the details so much as the situations (yaoi had so much rape, bdsm, that was what surprised me).   reply
05 06,2017
when i visited japan i honestly just loved what to locals is probably the most boring shit--konbinis and street food and the bathrooms and interiors and even just lighting fixtures. i went to tourist attractions too but i mainly just hung around hotels and restaurants and malls. i liked how all of the everyday objects were just a bit different. kin......   reply
25 08,2017
sex sex sex and then go outside & enjoy male privilege also i would f*ck an eclair   1 reply
07 04,2017
i'm a grown ass adult :( i've been reading this crap for 10 years, and i think my parents cared even less when i was a kid   reply
23 06,2017
yes and then i would buy a ton of badass wigs, including a neon pink bob   reply
21 10,2017
remember to brush your teeth   reply
12 10,2017