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TheBusyBee's answer (6)

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about question
I really like Soohae. She did some sketchy shit at first, and a lot of readers didn't forgive her for it. After she apologized, got forgiven, and became accepted by the group, my heart was so warm. The authors did something special with her character: they made the "villain" character redeemable. She's really a commentary on mental health struggle......   1 reply
02 01,2024
My ex would routinely be horribly rude to their mom (who was such a wonderful and sweet woman).. made me wonder if someday they would treat me like that (they did)   1 reply
09 01,2024
about question
Gangsta. Great animation, interesting characters, moody atmosphere, but its been on hiatus for so long I've lost hope of it returning   1 reply
17 04,2024
Bisexually   reply
11 10,2023
@yamamoto kotetsuko   1 reply
26 03,2024
about question
This is "You and I Can't Do This". I really enjoyed it! Kang Hyunwoo is very attractive too haha   reply
22 11,2023