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Jay's answer page 2 (117)

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This is actually really serious…it could ruin her life   reply
02 06,2021
We can all share her and be friends ^^ I’m down for a group chat   reply
28 10,2020
5 days
I noticed that you’ve been asking this question a lot aha I’m not sure, but I recommend looking into getting a VPN (I recommend getting one anyway) in case. Like Surfshark. Ask customer support if you need to. I’m sure there’s one that works there.   reply
5 days
Lmao what. I hope this is a joke   reply
01 06,2021
They’re my type. I love pretty men (≧∀≦)TaeminJeonghan Ren   2 reply
11 01,2020
Ok I have a lot haha so I’ll stop with these. If you need any help with proofreading & editing, let me know. Ty! And yee we can be friends (⌒▽⌒)   reply
17 08,2020
10 05,2021
Aspirin and Excedrin Migraine are good. They might contain caffeine though..I’m not entirely sure. I recommend laying in a dark, quiet place & meditating or listening to binaural beats on YT. My go to is “Instant Migraine Headache Relief Pure Binaural Beats” from VASTU. Studying is important, but you need sleep if you want to focus tomorrow. ......   reply
10 05,2021
Hiii ^^ Gender: Female Age: 25 (maybe I’m considered old here idk) Favorite manga: Fruits Basket Favorite manhwa: BJ Alex and A Thousand Cranes Favorite artist: I have a lot :3 Favorite anime: Made in Abyss and FMA:B Least favorite anime: Hard to say..there’s some pretty crappy ones Favorite food: Sushi Sexuality: Asexual Virgin: Yep Why I’m ......   1 reply
09 07,2021
about question
15 05,2021
I have hazel eyes. This is the best I could do ^^   reply
15 05,2021
14 02,2020
I recently turned 24 and have loves yaoi since I was maybe 15. I would love to make more fujoshi friends! I have line, whatsapp, discord, and ig   2 reply
14 02,2020
I watched it in the order of release date ‘cause I started the series back in 2014. High☆Speed is the prequel movie that came out two years after the first season. You can watch it first if you’d like, but it introduces characters that you don’t see until Take Your Marks. There’s also two recap movies (Timeless Medley -Kizuna and Timeless......   1 reply
07 09,2020
10 03,2021
Me (⌒▽⌒) And I made Nadeshiko and Shimarin from Yuru Camp for fun   reply
10 03,2021
11 03,2021
I love a soft boy (≧∀≦) he’s also kinda cool :3   reply
11 03,2021
about question
16 05,2021
I cried so much and I’m still sad   reply
16 05,2021
I ship idols lol, but I don’t take it too far. It’s for fun. Some idols just have really great chemistry (≧∀≦)   reply
10 07,2020
*you’re :3 I don’t understand, but okay   reply
10 07,2020
25 11,2020
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (⌒▽⌒) I’m sorry that your parents don’t care :( we’ll be your family. Sending hugs!   reply
25 11,2020
What country were you trying to move to? I’m American and I moved to Canada for school, so I understand your stress. You should look into schools in other countries as well. Don’t worry. You’ll figure this out :) feel free to send me a message if you want to talk about it   1 reply
23 11,2020
It’s one of my favorite manga (definitely recommend reading it) and I’ve been waiting for years for s2. Hopefully, we’ll get a remake in the future. That would make me so happy   reply
07 07,2020