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Theystolemyname's answer (10)

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I was an idiot. A fanart of two guys from a manga kissing lured me in, and without thinking I started to read yaoi with explicit sex scenes right from the start. Back then I barely stepped into puberty and was an innocent, pure soul. Yeah, I always blocked all the sex scenes with my hand for the first couple months, until I got used to it (read: my......   reply
21 11,2018
about question
Well, the toxic behaviour for one. The overly jealous and possesive typed looked like grade A dating material, but now I know that that is definitely not what is right. Another would be that sex is much easier and more spontanious than it is. Aftercare and clean up, my dudes. Also, plenty of prep. And by the gods, the amount of romanticised rape ......   reply
26 02,2021
Not really despise, but there are many that I don't like. Or, more like I prefer the main character to be in a specific ship, and the rest can be whatever, I don't care. And I won't hate anyone who likes other ships, I just don't read stories containing those ships.   reply
26 02,2021
Personally, I think you are too young at 12. But I honestly don't think that 15-16 year old teenagers who already are regularly watching porn are too old for it. No one cares about the 18 year old limit, but there is a point where you really are too young for it and I think that before 15 kids should stay away from any hardcore stuff.   1 reply
22 03,2019
Oh boy. I also had a "wait, what is this bodypart??"-kinda story. Basically, for the longest time I had thought that my clit was the peehole... and the clit was some mystical organ that exists somewhere in that region but I didn't know where. As a teenager I never masturbated, but then at 18 I thought to myself that I should try at least once becau......   2 reply
09 04,2019
Lol, people be acting like OP is supposed to be born with twelve fingers or some shit. If there is no history of incest in the family tree and OP wasn't majorly unlucky, then S/he most likely was born normal (altough it might be a good idea to check out any health concerns you might have). The important thing is to not repeat the incest anytime soo......   reply
26 02,2021
Depends. As a woman I would rather not date anyone from the muslim community (and there is no way I would go live in a muslim country), but if he turns out to be a nice guy who thinks women are not dogs to be owned and doesn't expect me to live by his cultures rules, then sure. Otherwise I don't care about race at all. Also, I don't care about the ......   reply
24 09,2018
about have sex
Wow, I kind of feel like a late-bloomer here. I tried a couple times, when I was maybe 13-14? But I never succeded. At 18 I was like "this is ridiculous, I gotta figure it out finally", so I googled it. Yep. I failed so bad at it, that dear ol' Google had to teach me. Ever since then, I've been more or less doing it regularly. The first time was qu......   2 reply
06 12,2018
I think it is completely normal. I prefer manga but I like the written version even better. Porn is kinda meh - it is hard to find one that has the fetishes you are into while also looking realistic (or at least not completely fake) and have actors that look good to you. Not to mention, they also need to have decent sound and video quality and good......   1 reply
24 04,2019
My one and only fictional beau is Ichigo from Bleach. Other than him, I only had crushes on real people, and only one celebrity who is a let's player who never even revealed his face, haha ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   1 reply
15 04,2018