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strawberry's answer (6)

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Here are my OCs Elaric (on the left/elf) and Atticus (right). both very gay and in love, but this might be the first and only time they are shown to be kissing. i'm sorry but angst always wins. (excerpt of story: Elaric bi and flirts cause its fun, Atticus oh no he don't like me - Elaric does confess his feelings on a daily basis but wtvrrrr) --......   1 reply
9 days
about question
I used to know or know people that do but they only read popular ones bc it was trendy and told me they actually read BL... I gave them so many recs and then they told me they actually weren't a fan. I was thoroughly embarrassed, I did ratings and a spice meter and actually put a lot of effort in doing a recommendations list. NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN......   3 reply
31 07,2023
Rigth now, I'm playing hollow knight and OMG I CAN NOT GET THROUGH THE TRAITOR LORD!! (I want the true ending or whatever) It's bad... If any of you have tips lmk, I've been playing other games in between so that I don't just rage quit. This is my first experience being so mad/frustrated in a game, like I'm getting better but not fast enough. ......   2 reply
1 days
strawberry 16 08,2023
Haven't played in a looooooooooooong time, but here's my tip: Do not rush anything, finishing the community center in a year is a bad idea. Enjoy every season as they come. I finished the community center bc I played so much and it left me bored. I don't remember my chiken's names but one of them was probably pizza. I think the rest where also na......   reply
16 08,2023
about question
Is this a Chad Chad reference from the Anthony Padilla video?   2 reply
24 days
Hey recently finished it for the first time. I'd be happy to talk about it with you!   3 reply
20 04,2024