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RossTheUnicorn's experience (3)

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about stalking
I like a girl in school but I'm too shy to talk to her, so I follow her around and make question about her to her friends to gather information about her, in the gym class I just stop doing what I'm doing just to see her body move and I take pictures of her and when I get home I stay alot of time just looking to the photos   9 reply
03 07,2017
I have 3 best friends. Two girls and one boy. Like everybody, we have our own problems. I would trust them even if I was blind but still I don't know if I can trust all of my problems. But that's not the point. We told each other the things that are happening in our lives and when I heard they problems and hurts, I feel so usefull, when they talk I......   reply
03 07,2017
We just become corpses, there's nothing after death, no reincarnation, no heaven or hell   reply
03 07,2017