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NightmareWhisper's experience page 4 (203)

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I met this guy online and we spent I think an hour talking about which was our favorite season and which seasons we didn’t like. He was such a sweetheart. I love people like this. If we can talk about ANY AND EVERYTHING you are my favorite person. Oh and BTW Fall is the best season.   1 reply
22 01,2021
Daily reminder You going around saying you hate kids and babies, you want to watch them burn, calling them names, saying they are ugly and you like watching them get hurt doesn't make you cool. You look like an asshole tbh. Not being a fan of children is fine. But yall go way overboard to the point where it's just unnecessary and cringy asf. Yall s......   2 reply
22 04,2021
I finally cleaned up my want to read, reading and read list. Now it is much more accurate. I feel so organized now.   2 reply
01 03,2021
I saw this post and I realized that it's true. Now I'm not sure if it happens alot in bl. But in straight stories it happens alot and the guy ALWAYS looks like that. Is it a cultural thing? Here is another example. Cuz I noticed in the harem stories, it is just one woman with different hair colors and clothes. Everyone looks like this. I'm not ups......   3 reply
25 01,2021
And realize "Holy Fuck I have alot of issues and suppressed trama" cuz.. thats me rn. If you are one of the lucky bitches who don't have any issues because some bitch ass person damaged you. You don't know how lucky you are. It's one thing to know you are damaged but to sit down really think about yourself and realize truly just how broken and dama......   reply
28 04,2021
There are alot of Rape to Love troupes and when I started reading manga (2016). I didn’t really care about it well not care but I was desensitized. It was normal to me. (thats a whole problem in itself) anyway what made me stop reading the troupe was this horrible piece of shit story.. Here are some of the things the ML did to the MC (Taiyo) . Wh......   1 reply
02 03,2021
NightmareWhisper 30 05,2021
imagine being that much of a jerk   reply
30 05,2021
So I'm at the hair dresser and she was telling about how her daughter was gay. Not knowing that I am a Lesbian as well. She talked about how upset she was, put her in consoling, put her in chruch, tried to pray the devil out of her. How hard it was for her to accept her daughter. How people aren't born gay, and why women like women. Oh and this jem......   1 reply
27 02,2021
28 05,2021
*sniff* i just want *sniff* to be able to beat my face like everyone else and partake in looking like a fine ass bitch. But I'm cursed with sensitive skin so alot of products burn my face or worse break me out. Plus I don't know how to do any of it. All those makeup tutorials be hard asf. In the end I look like a damn clown did my makeup instead of......   3 reply
11 02,2021
Can someone tell me why women want to be a male for the SOLE purpose of being gay when we have babes like this?My Lesbian brain can't understand it.   5 reply
18 03,2021
about question
Can you trolls come back please? I need a laugh. Things are so dry now. I know you trolls say the same thing everytime but so does every other post here. All the pic crew spam pictures look the same, all the sexual post say the same thing. Since there is no originality here you trolls might as well just post the "offensive" questions. JESSICA PLEA......   reply
02 03,2021
Earth is fucking lame. Minus the ocean. The ocean is hella cool. We have seen everything on earth, and the people here suck major ass. I would love to reincarnated and live in a world like thisor an underwater city like in BioShock   1 reply
07 02,2021
Nothing like having a supportive family am I right?   reply
26 01,2021
So I just watched a video and there was this YouTuber who trash streams. Trash streams are where YouTuber will do anything for donations. So this POS had a girlfriend named Valentia and for money he has pepper spray her multiple times, broke plates on her head, made 2 mentally disable guys bring his piss telling them that it was beer. Anyway POS go......   2 reply
09 03,2021
I come home from work and see a bunch of bullshit went down and so many posts are made about each other. All of this shit blown out of proportion when at the end of the day the beef was never that deep. Like I thought we were done with dealing with negative energy. It is 2021. NO NEGATIVE ENERGY!!! Dont like someone? Someone causing problems? Block......   reply
10 02,2021
Dark humor is great. Yall are lying to me if you said this didn't make you laugh. It's the facial expressions that kill me.   3 reply
10 03,2021