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Gold Mine's answer page 10 (204)

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Gold Mine 08 10,2023
First female president of Taiwan, I think it was also under her rule that same-sex marriage was legalized in Taiwan, first country in Asia to do that   reply
08 10,2023
I get that. There are some people on here that actually put effort in despite not knowing a language because they want to provide a nice and comprehensible story for others/themselves. I have no problem with that, they're trying their best at least, and usually they do end up being pretty good. But those that just paste words into google translate......   reply
07 08,2023
about question
Did y'all ever read The Rainbow Fish lol? This summary kinda reminds me of that.   2 reply
06 12,2023
Gold Mine 08 08,2023
I think you should try to discuss it first probably.   reply
08 08,2023
It's the two year anniversary of ODDINARY album by Stray Kids so I'm listening to that right now, def my fav kpop album from all the memories I have from it   reply
18 03,2024
I like stomachs and how they rise and go down again as someone breathes in/out, I find it so adorable for some reason. I also like hugging waists and having someone fit completely in my arms, which is probably not very weird but still !!   reply
05 10,2023
GAM3 BO1 by SEVENTEEN and Suffocate by Kayzo & Bad Omens   1 reply
01 10,2023
about question
Gold Mine 10 09,2023
First time I got that I was in public and was curious to see what it was, turned my sound down cause I thought it might be a porno lol. It just plays nothing though, don't know about y'all. That was like a week ago and nothing's happened so I'm pretty sure it's just one of those ads you get when you're signed out, not really a virus or a big deal.   1 reply
10 09,2023
On some random ass niche forum when I searched for free chapters of this one lezhin comic   1 reply
25 09,2023
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A pic of my mom   1 reply
05 11,2023
squirt face mask   reply
30 03,2024
This is a newer account I created, but I've been on this site since, like april 2019?? Created my first account in November of that year   reply
25 09,2023
about question
My motivation to live lies within money and materialism!   reply
16 02,2024
about question
This thread reminds me of 2019-21 mangago, it's kinda nostalgic   1 reply
4 days
Hold on, this is actually... good??? And they have chemistry too.. Patiently waiting on part 2.   1 reply
17 10,2023
about question
Just live like I normally do... It's a single day ffs..   reply
26 12,2023
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Gold Mine 21 01,2024
I find it weird and nonsensical, but if it's between two consenting adults that are in that relationship completely out of their own accord, there's not much I can say about that. They might be a little fucked in the head but like, I don't give a shit as long as it's not actually harmful.   reply
21 01,2024
no internet addictions for me   reply
11 02,2024
Probably just anal skin tags, either due to hemorrhoids or not   reply
06 03,2024
about question
Did the BL manga one since that was shorter and I read more of those, I did have to spend like two minutes wondering what the fuck I was supposed to put for dakarapey otoko though , had to cave in to mggo alternative titles   reply
12 10,2023