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[DELETED]'s answer page 4 (879)

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Bro keep ur intrusive thoughts as THOUGHTS   1 reply
27 12,2023
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26 03,2024
Tf is a million gonna do in this economy?? Bro all you'll be able to do in travel for summer vacation with your family, where the fuck did u get ur education my brother! Ill buy a matching bedset and body pillow of a bunch of my favourite characters tho, with a pair of scissors and put the rest in the bank   2 reply
26 03,2024
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Nah bro don't do ts, mfs will FIND OUT and send u to a ward or a mental hospital take it from me homie baloney   reply
25 01,2024
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THAT ONE IS ALWAYS SO GOOD OH MY GODDDD for me, its always either the culture festival scene OR the school trip scene/arc, I love them so much istg   1 reply
31 03,2024
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7 days
Least obvious ragebait   reply
18 01,2024
y'all got those? Naah my worrywart ass could never I take those extra EXTRA precautions, y'all stay safe out there tho   3 reply
14 12,2023
I HATE PICREWS!!   10 reply
10 12,2023
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NOW HOLD ON.. WHAT? Edit: checked their pfp and they're a troll.. A bad one but still a troll regardless   2 reply
04 12,2023
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Staying here for research purposes.. Ahem, but one resource would prob be almost all the dudes in Monthly Chest, I mean, its in the name LMAO   1 reply
08 11,2023
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OH MY GOD IM SO HAPPY UR REALIZING THIS!!! Pretty privilege exists, and they're proof of it... There will ALWAYS be a character that people will try and defend JUST because they're attractive. Which is why the author of Punpun made him look like a bird, because they knew if they drew him, there'd be people trying to justify his actions.   4 reply
4 days
Umm no, the only fic moment I've had is my life with my ex.. Until she broke up with me   5 reply
06 12,2023
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23 03,2024
Umm cum ig idrk   1 reply
23 03,2024
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I HATE PICREWS!... or do i.. I don't even know anything atp (lookism reference)   2 reply
29 12,2023
13 12,2023
Am I the only one confused? wtf is a moye moye   4 reply
13 12,2023
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CHILDHOOD FRIENDS!!! I LOVE THEM!!! and low-key I hated it b4 but I turned a new leaf, ml that hates everyone but the fl/gf (bonus points if theyre already dating)   reply
16 01,2024
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Be back in a sec with my art Idk why its sideways but ill colour in a sec Too lazy to colour so here's a new one   2 reply
05 11,2023
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15 10,2023
Even the poster was ashamed of this post.. they didn't even follow it LMAO   2 reply
15 10,2023
21 09,2023
imagine you're niall horan and I'm living in your ear   2 reply
21 09,2023