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ZOE's answer page 1 (285)

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about question
I actually talk to myself A LOT. I also comforts myself and thus i am my own therapist. I also once wrote erectile dysfunction in my reasons for absence back in 12th grade and didnt get caught..   6 reply
1 days
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12 01,2024
when i finally thought the world was starting to heal..maybe having morals and being actually sane and normal n mature is not agood thing now ig. Wtf is goin on in this world. I just wish this was a troll post. Like there r literal minors here..   1 reply
12 01,2024
26 04,2024
Genuinely thought true beauty was Something but after rereading a few chapters. I dont think so   5 reply
26 04,2024
PERSONALLY, i wouldn't reveal my FACE in an ILLEGAL website for PORN comics filled With CREEPS and WEIRD ppl. Also i love being mysterious huhu. Like im ok w age and my nickname. But anything after that?.nah But like if they ain't a kid and doin it coz they want to. We can't really complain.   reply
22 01,2024
about question
Yes, when its full moon. we howl "AWOOO" and calls out our pack. We dash off into the moonlight together and hunts men. Kinda surprised you still haven't known about this. Maybe you're next on the list. Who knows.   2 reply
11 02,2024
suck their dick? Idfkkkkkk But How did they find it tho??   1 reply
04 04,2024
15 03,2024
Personally, I think staring at someone's chest and being able to check if they're wearing a bra or not is a bit strange.   2 reply
15 03,2024
about question
Yall not hating him enough. Do better. This son of a bitch. I hate this man with my whole life. Come at me idc. The way he abused and rape the Mc Was something that shouldn't be forgiven. Calling him a green flag is like saying shrek is hulk. In the latest chapters both of these mf has been called "a green flag" and that offends me so much. Yall ......   7 reply
29 days
They just got fatass thumb dw bout it bbg (I accidentally press them too)   2 reply
03 04,2024
14 01,2024
Toilet terrorist   3 reply
14 01,2024
about question
Skibidi dob dob dob dob yes yes yes   reply
05 03,2024
Ain't no way the authors aren't aware that their stories are getting popular due to these pirated site. Like they better not expect All their readers to buy,cause.. most of these readers are Teenagers ..who are basically broke. Ik they work hard for it and all. But They should also know that these sites helps their story to get more popular which s......   3 reply
09 12,2023
03 04,2024
Did ya'll mfs even read the question properly   reply
03 04,2024
Man..Don't expect me to defend fictional characters when i cant even Defend myself   reply
12 12,2023
about question
had the biggest crush on erza scarlet when i was about 6 more than 10 yrs has passed but nothing changed whatsoever.   6 reply
04 02,2024
about question
06 04,2024
Feature where I can fuckin undo my dislikes cause Both the buttons are close as helll and my fatass thumb always hit the dislike button accidentally even on topics i agree with. Makes me rage istg Oh also, I want the Emojis to do their fuckin jobs   6 reply
06 04,2024
Probably due to The desire of wanting to be *something* or wanting to be the one that starts *something* they do not care whether they're right or not. If they're getting the attention they want for it, they're satisfied. Instead of analyzing or looking further into the subject, most people will just blurt out whatever they hear if its something th......   reply
19 days
05 02,2024
Everyone here are mostly chronically online and there r lots of creeps here. This is literally an ILLEGAL porn comics site. Pls dont search friends here it will most likely not end well lmao.   reply
05 02,2024