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Kentucky Fried Yaoi's answer (9)

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this is what the fujoshis get for spreading the site all over the place like its not illegal lmaooooo   1 reply
23 07,2021
Honestly I read everything. Yaoi, Yuri, weird gender bender- I just like the story or art. But I do see those weird straight women who are uncomfortable with actual gays but loooove LOVE yaoi for sex every 2 seconds. I think its forever just gonna be a mystery. (⌒▽⌒)   1 reply
16 09,2020
Wanted to spread more of Richard and Henry, amen for the upcoming anime. The panel with the kiss says "commit this sin" Wanted to come back and add in Semelparous. Its bootiful once you get past the big oingo boingos. Kinda looks like lesbian Soul Eater with just Maka fgefwedeedfr   1 reply
26 02,2021
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When there's no black option so you scream internally- And the hair is a wig I dyed, but other than that I hope I radiate super tomboy, nerd energy   1 reply
06 01,2021
Why's pasty the only option, I-   reply
13 03,2021
Sometimes stories are rushed or just down right creepy. The dude's will know each other for like 3 hours, go eat ice cream together, bump into each other by accident and suddenly there's love like they've been married 3 years. Or there will be this damn 30+ year old man grooming the uke from birth or picking up some teenager or 20 year old and mani......   reply
13 03,2021
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With all my health problems? Hell nawh I'm not trying to evaporate in the chair   reply
28 04,2021
Girl, wtf did I just read   reply
24 01,2021
Easy, I look evil anyway   reply
27 02,2021