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kittyboiXx's experience (2)

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To be a mangaka would be fantastic! Its not exactly my first and min goal in life but its something I'm very passionate about! My first goal is music. I could always do both. Sometimes I feel like my dreams are a little too big for me, but soooooo what?! I'll do it! I have so many great ideas. Stuff with action, romance, comedy, gore, mystery, and ......   reply
15 12,2017
My first language is English. Right now I'm learning Japanese with the help of the internet. I've always wanted to go to Japan and when my father asked me if I would take an opportunity to go to school there, I of course said yes. All I have to do is learn the language and I have two years before I can actually apply for programs. So here I am. I h......   3 reply
15 12,2017