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LazyforJesus's answer (20)

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Honestly I’ve read so many BL with horrible tops, but I can’t really name the worst one. I thought of a couple tho. Seungho from Painter of the Nigh comes to mind. Seungho, in my opinion, is pretty bad. I didn’t really enjoy Painter of the Night, especially when it first came out. but Jaekyung still takes the cake for being the worst top in ......   2 reply
31 12,2023
about question
Meguru from Daraku Kazoku-ron. A stoic funny kid lol   1 reply
09 04,2024
LazyforJesus 26 05,2021
What in the actual fresh hell is this   reply
26 05,2021
about question
LazyforJesus 07 04,2024
Tbh I don’t really care for internet drama, but I’m so confused. how tf are yall bullying each other on mangago… this website isnt even that’s important. If people really have enough time to create burner accounts and send death threats, get off this website and find a purpose. It is never that serious. People just wanna read some manga lma......   reply
07 04,2024
LazyforJesus 24 06,2020
Bruh   reply
24 06,2020
I- would mine be filled with Jesus???   3 reply
29 01,2021
LazyforJesus 10 02,2024
I got u bro All these stories are super good but underrated I feel. They a little short (1-5 or 7 chapters) they are a little more on the wholesome side. Some are even comedy   reply
10 02,2024
Omega….. I’m literally just giving up on the spot. I don’t have the patience or mental strength to deal with that shit   reply
31 12,2023
about question
Lie and if there even a single thing of proof against me, ig die   reply
31 12,2023
about question
I’ve been reading so much- currently reading Trash of the count family novel- waiting for like 800 chap or something like that lol. for manga, def no home/homeless and Afterglow. Both amazing, different ways tho.   1 reply
09 04,2024
I just want to chill   reply
23 05,2021
Surprisingly dude is a such a cutie   reply
7 days
Stop- think before u write something that others can see.   reply
29 05,2021
Walk around by myself at night without fear of being killed or raped. Also maybe learn how it feels to get a boner.   1 reply
31 12,2023
08 07,2021
about penpals
Man i relate to needing friends. I’m down to bring friends, tho I’m new to discord and not very good at it. Some info about me is I’m 15, I like reading, Haikyuu is my favorite anime next to Fullmetal Alchemist, and I’m a bit awkward, but I try to make conversation. (●'◡'●)ノ   reply
03 12,2019
Tf are they talking bout ???   reply
10 02,2024
Hey, I would love to be your friend. I’ve never experienced what u go through, but I understand. U don’t have to worry about not talking to me for some time, I’m patient and I promise if u need to talk,I’ll be there : ) if your willing my discord is lazyforjesus#9287. Feel free to dm me, just remind me who u are.   1 reply
06 06,2020
Heyo (๑́•∀•๑̀)ฅ I‘m down to be friends. I’m kinda active, depends on the day. I’m usually playing acnh or reading something. My discord is lazyforjesus#9287   2 reply
06 06,2020