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[DELETED]'s answer page 3 (126)

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I've always wanted to do good. It started with me wanting to be a nurse or doctor(pediatric), but I'm more interested in law and politics. I'm still doing something good ig. But I've been always saying that if everything fails, I'll try to be a author or artist, or both.   reply
30 03,2024
about question
What scares me is when there is a simple and cute looking artstyle manhwa or something, and the TL group redraws the censored dicks to look realistic and absolutely terrifying.   reply
15 04,2024
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Let's just call it cannibalism or vore omfg...   reply
27 01,2024
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02 04,2024
HALLO :3   reply
02 04,2024
09 10,2023
I'm more of a bird person. But if I had a cat I'll name it vanilla. It's just sounds so cute (≧∀≦) I do name the neighborhood strays, like chubby cheeks, Tofu, Taro. I do have some competition with my boyfriends cats. The two are really good boys. (▰˘◡˘▰) One is Cesar, he extremely sassy. The other is lucky, the cinnamon roll of the ......   2 reply
09 10,2023
It also won't change when you go to other places of the site lol I knew about this and I love it   reply
11 10,2023
about question
huh. Maybe the time when some kid pushed me in kindergarten and sent me to the hospital. I wanna beat her crusty ahh. And during that time you can get so much candy just for a few coins.   reply
03 04,2024
That they had to do the deed and spawn me   reply
17 02,2024
I'm so speechless, I think I'm suddenly mute   reply
20 09,2023
about question
What I did in highschool was chea- I mean, go through the old exercises and do each one step by step, thrice or until you get the hang of it. Keep a short notes. Include the equation and examples on it. Good luck on the exam!   1 reply
12 10,2023
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Y'all are wild :skull:   reply
15 10,2023
This is literally a corn website   reply
17 10,2023
I'm a 10, but I cuss people out and verbally abuse the people that don't know my language (they think I'm confessing my undying love for them)   reply
21 10,2023
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.. Meow meow meow.   reply
26 03,2024
about question
Well, the best you can do is keep in touch with your family often. Or try to find a new college, but that would be stressful as well, at least in my point of view. Just refrain from adding stress into stress, because college itself can bring hard and difficult times! Just remember that your family always has your back, no matter where you are! :D   1 reply
01 10,2023
about question
I very randomly write down the things I read or watch on a notebook. Ofc not everything but idrc. Part of me prays this site burns to see others reaction   2 reply
24 04,2024
Okay so not long ago I had to go to two different classes in different locations. I had a breakdown in my schools toilet and had a headache the entire day. Usually I finish school at 12:20 ish, but I take the bus home so it would be 1 when I reach home. BUT I missed the first bus, and waited for the second bus that comes around 15-20 minutes after......   reply
06 10,2023
Rice and ketchup lol   reply
13 10,2023
I love rainy mornings because the school I went to doesn't care if you are late on a rainy day. I still love the rain and getting wet in it. When it rains when I'm in class, I would always be staring out the windows.   reply
07 10,2023