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hitoshi-san's question (3)

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yall i got probably one of the most biggest exams boutta soon happen in my LIFE. and if i fail this shit without getting 7 or above my ass is kicked from having a roof over my head. I need revision tips asap, like genuinely ones that are able to work. i am in the low end, to get to a 7 man?? I HAVE BEEN CHEATING MY WAY UP THIS WHOLE TIME I DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND SHIT IN MATHS, nor biology.. chemistry, physics… ill put my current grades up, (im in the UK, doin gcses)

Eng Lang: 3
Eng Lit: 4
Maths: 5+ (in reality should be like a 3 but i had to cheat my way up to get to higher)
History: 6
Chem: 7+ (should be like a 5 or 4)
Bio: 7 (again, should be 3, 4 or 5)
Physics: 7 (same thing)
Business: 5
PRE or RE: (wtvtf +1 means, i got a grade 7 on my recent test)
Spanish: 4+

i get its my fault or whatever for cheatin durin the tests yada yada but YOU DONT UNDERSTAND, i had one chance to get into separate/higher science/maths for my parents to be proud, or else they woulda never spoken to me again. cant blame me when movin up from foundation maths to higher in year 9 expecting me to know all this pythagromomotriangle shit man.
my science exam boards are AQA and the rest except for pre and maybe spanish is edexcel.

I NEED REVISION TIPS!! my first exam is gon b history cold war then the next day bein germany AND ON THAT SAME FUCKING DAY ENG LIT. from the 7th to 27th or smth may. anyways, please pass ya gyal revision tips and your personal experiences w handlin exam shit.

(even if its just one person that’d make me believe i can get that academic comeback (i never had one))
30 04,2024
about question
ive literally found a pattern every time i masturbate. i reach climax and then i get awfully disgusted w what i just did and then continue to do my everyday things. like, that cant just be me right?? like i just masturbated and lord was it good, but then after i couldnt take it any longer w my vibrator, i stopped but like not even a split second after i feel so disgusted w what i just came to and what i had literally seen to reach that climax. that cant just be me, right?? and ive came to really, really obscene stuff.
29 04,2024
i remember a good lookin man, maybe blonde or brown? short hair but wavy to the side and he had a very nice moustache if that makes sense, and it looked good on him. but heres the confusing part, i believe it to be romance where he is in love with a TURKISH girl?? and im pretty sure hes GREEK. (im not sure about this, i put it in brackets as it could be misleading but
1. its during some war
2. romance wasnt allowed between them (???))
ive seen many edits of the guy, i recall one scene where hes wearing im not sure but its a type of uniform, black like blazer a red thingy around his shoulder to his hip, like a ribbon?? and he had some gold medals as if he was a royal, commander or some general ion know man this is very vague but ive tried searching and have still remained curious. its in turkish but im still not sure if its a series or film, thanks hes so segsy as well like theres also a scene where he on the bed w bandages on or sm shit. help im not crazy - i have a feelin no one will know and choose to ignore my endless voided suffering I HAVE NOTHING TO SLEOSEALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO I RECALL SEEING IN THE TAGS LIKE IM NOT SURE IF IT WAS THE CHARACTTERS NAME OR THE MOVIE/SERIES NAME BUT IT BEGAN W LE(O??) MAYBE?? not even chat gpt could help me
21 02,2024