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Jae's answer page 3 (260)

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Cerulian............I didn't know that was a color but damn it got my personality 100%   reply
22 02,2021
i'm not an expert but i think you should try some of these next for a bind blowing experience i would also suggest using pens instead   reply
31 08,2023
about question
Jae 03 11,2023
Um if yall weren't a couple how is that a betrayal? Also the promise was "if we don't get married by 50, we'll just marry each other" keyword IF. Your best friend can get with whoever he wants. You can also get with whoever you want. Don't sleep with the girl if she is in a relationship with him nor if you don't like sleeping with women.   reply
03 11,2023
about question
Jae 13 05,2024
It's aight, the problem is that now I use "erm what the sigma" and "on skibidi" as vocal stims (plz end me)   reply
13 05,2024
Jae 28 08,2023
two things 1. who let you out the ward and why? 2. Don't worry the heat cycle will absolutely make you ready. The high you experience during this time is like none other. I suggest to give your friend a chance. It's better to have someone trustworthy around during such times. Besides it's way better to be relieve by someone you trust. You don't ......   1 reply
28 08,2023
about crying
I'm happy it's back bc it is by far my fav site to read. I also love seeing the wack questions ppl ask here, there's hardly any sites that have that.   2 reply
17 03,2021
I can meow pretty close to an actual cat   reply
22 03,2024
Idk watch a youtube tutorial about it or something   reply
29 09,2023
Jae 17 04,2024
It's ok guys! Ivan is just tired after all that singing and emotions! He's taking a quick nap! (coping beyond a reasonable amount)   reply
17 04,2024
about question
Jae 30 05,2021
You can't judge a person just based on looks but I have to admit that good looks are a great addition. I mean if every time you look at the person you have to say to yourself "it's ok their personality is good" then that it self might be a problem. However the same goes for a trashy personality. I guess it just comes down to what a person can and ......   2 reply
30 05,2021
about question
Because most of the time females in shoujo are denser than a rock with the personality of sheet of paper. Also because I love to read stories that aren't too long and most other genre tend to have more chapters. For some reason I find it a lot easier to find short stories in bl genre than any other. In the end a story is a story if I like it I keep......   reply
25 01,2021
I'm failing classes again. At this point it ain't even because classes are online. I do just as bad in classrooms. Very close to saying screw it and just drop out but I can't. So currently I'm very stressed and have below 0 motivation.   reply
05 04,2021
Bro? People wash their genitals daily. They ain't doing none gross unless the person receiving is nasty crusty dusty. Also cum isn't dangerous to swallow and it's not dirty either. Maybe the taste won't be too good but even then it's the same as swallowing food or drinks. It's a sexual thing obviously the people doing it were down for it to begin......   reply
07 08,2023
Jae 21 10,2023
Um, maybe you shouldn't post your personal info like that on a shady illegal manga reading website. Just basic online safety tips. That's just my opinion tho.   1 reply
21 10,2023
I would like to see more diversity but it's not like people don't absolutely shit on "diverse" characters just for existing. Fictions doesn't have to be realistic at all. I see feminine male characters get treated like they are women. That's honestly odd. Even if the character is feminine it doesn't make him any less of a man. Also being buff does......   reply
27 02,2024
about question
it's just blunt sexism. They can't handle seeing something that isn't targeted towards them. Anything "girly" is inferior to "manly" stuff. That's why they always be hating on "girly" things for absolutely no reason. Not to mention they shit on women who have interest in hobbies or work considered "manly".   reply
11 08,2023
Read the garbage so you can enjoy what's actually good. I think someone said that somewhere. Anyways I agree with it.   reply
30 10,2023
about question
Jae 31 10,2023
Nah, I do however scavenge ALL the mangago pages per genre   2 reply
31 10,2023
about question
Then why are you making a post on forums? I thought you hated the forum. Also if you hate the forum, how do you know about all the drama and the users who start drama? Honestly sounds more like you treat the forum as a telenovela rather than hating it.   reply
05 11,2023
about question
I have a few and I refuse to elaborate. IK i've read questionable a/b/o (i hated every millisecond of the stories) however I never got into that one for whatever reason and I have no desire to read it   3 reply
11 03,2024