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gaybitch's answer (8)

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i dont agree with it tbh. you may know the difference between fantasy and reality but the author probably doesn't and you are probably reading their fetish. imo there is no need to include or read anything including rape unless it was some sort of fetish of yours which is a big no no and it does not get a good message across as it normalizes rape. ......   3 reply
09 01,2019
let the dude smoke weed its not really that big a deal, i know tons of people who smoke weed so just dont take it too seriously and let him do as he wants. there isnt anything you could do to get him to stop or anything and might make him weirded out when attempting to. as long as you dont start smoking it then you might as well just ignore it and ......   1 reply
20 01,2019
lesbian and yuri (⌒▽⌒)   2 reply
04 03,2019
hii could i join? my line id is kamuwui (⌒▽⌒)   reply
20 01,2019
i read yuri mainly but sometimes yaoi but i would die if someone knew i read yuri, personally i wouldnt tell anyone because i feel like they would tease me about it and definitely NOT my family..i would be so embarrassed! (and theyd probably realise im gay af lol) i get enough shit for being a weeb anyway lmao but either way dont let that stop you ......   reply
02 04,2019
i am also 15 and a lesbian! im in the exact same situation as you! my advice is, dont listen to anyone who tells you to come out. i am out to lots of people at school including my friends, but the thought of coming out to my parents gives me this feeling of dread and ive personally never even considered coming out to them because that feeling is so......   reply
21 06,2019
heyy i searched yo insta but nothin came up? ┗( T﹏T )┛   1 reply
21 06,2019
about penpals
i added you (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ   reply
24 12,2018