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kitteh's answer (20)

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wow these answers are great. *tearing from laughter* mine was "do mushrooms give you gas"   1 reply
28 07,2020
about question
sooo many, but at the moment, this gorgeous man. he's a major dork, but just beautiful. bandana!tae brings me to my knees   reply
18 11,2020
11 09,2020
naw, totally done that. how can you NOT, when you're camping (for instance). also after working the graveyard shift: morning whiskey. yup.   reply
11 09,2020
these three come to mind A LOT...   reply
04 10,2020
right now the two anime that come to mind (that make me cry even just THINKING about them) would be wolf's rain (that ending. oh god) and grave of the fireflies (like all of it. just kill me). tho many scenes have made me cry (i'm a sensitive soul, i fully embrace it now): ace's death in one piece (LOTS of parts of one piece actually), the end of w......   2 reply
26 07,2020
i can't deny that bts and taekook have literally helped me survive this past year.   1 reply
06 12,2020
26 06,2021
haikyuu!, gintama, run bts   reply
26 06,2021
there is more caffeine in a 12 oz cup of brewed coffee than in a shot of espresso. oh yeahh. looked that one up, when i had to pull 2 double shifts in a row. >_   reply
02 08,2020
yep. DEFinitely my baby.   reply
16 01,2021
i try to avoid tragedies, but i will most likely check something out if it's school life, slice of life, sports-related or comedy (or any combo of these). *^_^* oh and i love these tropes: puppydog seme x tsundere uke and younger seme x older uke.   reply
26 12,2020
so tae and...tae. he's my mom AND dad. guess i've got a serious parent complex then.   reply
04 04,2021
there are quiet a few, but the one that popped right into my head was neon genesis evangelion. i mean, i watched it all the way thru. kaworu was my favorite character, go figure. but GOOD GOD shinji as a mc just irritated the crap outta me. i wanted to ring his neck the whole time. i need a compelling protagonist like naruto, luffy, ed & al, kenshi......   1 reply
03 08,2020
06 06,2019
favorite guys: super junior!! ELF heeerrreee favorite girls: mamamoo   1 reply
06 06,2019
well my name is kat, but i have a co-worker who always greets me with "helloooo kittehh" (in like a sexy, eartha kitt voice) and it's hilarious, because she even does it in front of guests at our hotel. so yeah XD   reply
04 04,2021
yep. rape = #1 HATE. i can't even emphasize enough. doesn't matter what genre, what gender, what universe. NOT ok. "i love you so much (so i'm gonna go rape-shit on your ass)". seme is so rape-tastic that the uke falls in love with him & justifies his behaviour somehow. like...what. ALL EWW. i don't care what anyone says, rape is NOT HOT. ever.   1 reply
09 12,2018
eigyou nika! i guarantee you will LOVE it (and all of it's doujinshi too). one of the most well-balanced, adorable and loving couples i can think of right now. ^_^   reply
16 06,2020
when something seriously bad happens (e.g. a person or persons being in emotional, physical or financial strife; a tragic or fatal occurrence; a cruel or violent event) and all someone can say is "that sucks". maybe some people are truly that ineloquent or can't find the right words, but it comes off as so shallow and unfeeling to me. it's even wor......   2 reply
26 06,2020
nioh X yagyuu from PoT. platinum pair for life, bruh. sanada X yukimura would be a close 2nd in my rarepair world. i dunno what it is about rikkaidai, but the heat is strrrong.   reply
12 12,2018
um naruto LOLOL. ok that's really what triggered my shounen ai/yaoi fascination, but my first was RULES. still one of my favorites in the world. miyamoto kano is a god.   reply
22 06,2018
by some standards, i lost it late: 20 yrs old. he was a cad in many respects, but he was surprisingly gentle in the act (knowing that he was somewhat well-endowed). we weren't dating, weren't in love, didn't even share the same friends. we happened to be participating in the same theatre event, and that was all. i was actually happy that i didn't ......   2 reply
03 07,2020