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わくわく's question page 2 (47)

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I've noticed something annoying. Uploaders with zero knowledge on the language from which they are translating, using literal google translate, making bad and/or completely inaccurate translations and bad edits.

And then they'll go

"Uwu I'm so sorry I actually dont understand said language but I wanted to - " stfu. You were irrelevant the moment you admitted you don't know the language.

For what purpose does someone who doesn't even understand the language to want to do translations? Why? Are you seeking approval? Attention? People's admiration? Are you just delusional?

Majority of people who end up reading these shit translations will show how "thankful" they are for the effort. Well, unpopular opinion here, but maybe dont enable people to keep doing this. Dont enable people incapable of knowing the language to delude themselves into thinking they're doing anything useful. Because point blank nothing ruins a potentially good story more than the shit translations.

Please just leave it for people who actually know what they're doing.
26 07,2023
about question
I will never understand it.

Any man out here seeking other women while he is a husband and a father, is trash.

Any woman reciprocating those feelings knowing he a husband and a father, is trash.
08 09,2023
Would I be an asshole if I said I can't understand the people who struggle to find a job? Now don't get me wrong. I also am trying to find a second job right now.

Like, even if you've only got a high school diploma, as long as you start somewhere, you'll go somewhere. People crap on McDonald's all the time but I think if you've worked there, then you've got multitasking skills to work in a fast paced environment, customer service skills, independent AND teamwork skills. You've got the skills to assist.

If you wanna transition to a job similar, but not fast-food, then try receptionisting at a clinic or the area you wanna go into. Finesse your skills a bit if you have to, to get in.

I started out in retail and am now in healthcare. You can go places babes, keep trying! This economy sucks but don't let it suck your soul, just let is suck your cock!

Anyone else have advice to give for the jobless folks who may be on here lurking?
25 08,2023
about question
Funny how omegaverse is one of the pathways to allow two male characters to have blood tie babies. Finally! Two males can do it too!

But a lot of omegaverse is just about rape some only throw a baby as charity at the end. Most just end. Why. GIMME CUTE BABIES
16 08,2023
about question
Even tho I've read so many yaoi with urethral play, it never occurred to me women can do it too.

I was today years old when I learned. Apparently bitches can fit a whole ass dick up in their pee hole

The body truly is amazing. And the infections are probably out of this world
09 09,2023
I have to get this off my chest.

Basically, back in high school senior year, an average looking korean dude transfers to our high school. (Imo he looked average. He just knew how to style himself well). All of the younger kpop girlies started calling him 'oppa' & tried to get close to him. However he never got friendly with them (probably cuz dude could smell the fetishizing from a mile away LMAO). He was the TALK of our school cuz kpop was very popular at that time.

A close friend of mine and the korean dude became quickly acquainted due to their love of drinking, smoking, and partying.

And because the kpop girlies wanted to get close to the Korean dude and was extremely envious of my friend for successfully befriending the guy, they started shit talking him and my friend.

Prior to realizing the guy wants nothing to do with them, they praised him for being "so handsome" and "tall". After not being able to get close AND seeing the guy get along just fine with another girl, they started calling him "not so handsome" and "not as tall as their kpop oppas back in korea". Called my friend "desperate" for attention from a "true korean". They really out there describing themselves and not see the irony lol.

I was a kpop fan back then too but when I tell you I cringed so hard at these girls fetishizing kpop idols, fetishizing this random ass korean dude. The moment they couldn't get that kpop ideal fantasy out of that Korean dude, they TURNED ON HIM. He transferred out like half a year later lol (fyi not due to any of the kpop girls cringe tho. The guy just traveled a lot cuz his family's work. So his transfer to our school was temporary to begin with). Even then they still complained about "he wasn't even that big a deal" like GURLS stop lying.

They were all over him but pretended it wasnt a big deal to make themselves feel better about their desperation. It was so embarrassing. Felt bad for the guy. He definitely seemed to enjoy the attention since he looked the type (play boy party type) but those kpop girlies were doing the most with their fetishizing. If I was him, even if I enjoyed the attention, I wouldnt wanna be near these people who dont even like me for me, but only like me because I'm korean and they can pretend I'm kpop.

I wonder if they ever look back at their desperation and cringe like I do lolol. They were young and impressionable, so I get it. But hope they've at least grown out of fetishizing kpop culture tho. If not, then yikes.

End rant. Just had to get this story off my chest. The world needs to know the cringe of kpop fans.
10 09,2023
about question
Your dad and your boyfriend switch souls. Now your boyfriend's soul is within your dad's physical body. And your dad's soul is within your boyfriend's physical body. You have to fuck one of them to put their souls back. Who do you fuck?

No trying to find loopholes, no "I'm single" "I'm orphan" "I'll choose death" etc. Just answer the question.
16 08,2023
Had a family event the other day and uhm, my cousin showed up late cuz she was on a date with her "boyfriend". They'd started dating recently. I was curious wassup so I asked if he was a classmate or what.

She was like, "nah he's 19"

The bitch was 15 years old. Her "boyfriend" is likely a freshman or sophomore in college. Wtf is this adult doing dating a 9th/10th grade high schooler? If she was a senior I would understand. 19 and 17/18. Sure.

But 19 and 15?? Am I overreacting?????
25 09,2023
Uhm so we know how omegaverse works. Pheromones. Omega and alpha who cant control themselves. Rape. The whole spiel.

What if we give the omega an anti-rape upgrade? Retractable teeth embedded into the lining of their rectum. It comes out when they dont wanna have sex with whoever is trying to rape them. My best idea yet ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
27 08,2023
I'm not even gay bruh. I'm straight. But there was a moment in my life when I FELL FOR A GIRL HARD. She was SPARKLING. She was GLOWING. She was CUTE. She was FUNNY. My eye sacks were GLUED to her. Like I couldn't look away. She was the most attractive to me. I was infatuated with her.

The feelings eventually wore off BUT POINT IS. My initial perception of her personality momentarily bewitched me.

She wasn't the most attractive physically (not my beauty standard in women at least. Of course beauty in eye of beholder) but the fact that her personality momentarily turned me gay. Personality over looks, anyday.
10 09,2023
about question
my toxic trait is reading trash ass stories that anger me so much so i seek out even more trash ass stories to override that and it just gets worse and worse.

I need something wholesome fr something to cleanse and cure. halp
01 12,2023
As a certified broke person, when I wanna go shopping spree, I go to dollar tree. Got like 11 items for less than $15. They might be cheap and will probably break soon but I've successfully gaslit myself into happy mode.
12 09,2023
was swimming with my friend today. One of her goals is to dive and touch the bottom of the deep end of the pool, around 9 ft. Shes a smoker so she cant control her breathing very well. Everytime she tries to swim down, she floats back up. She never makes it past 3 ft below surface. She's been very confused how to control her breathing so she can sink down properly and touch the bottom.

I havent the courage to tell her scientifically fat is less dense than water so someone with a significant amount of it will float on water and it isnt her breathing that is the problem......
11 09,2023
ik this isnt typical for all m x m and is usually associated with the kinky stories but what are your thoughts

I'm kinda neutral. I don't mind it. But also maybe just calling it ass wouldve worked too
12 09,2023
about question
If yall havent heard, look up "made in abyss kpop scandal" or among those lines.

Basically, some idol mentioned "dark themed" animes, including made in abyss, and now kppoop fans are calling him a pedophile or whatever because the anime is about children??

I even saw a thread where someone said to stop engaging with japanese content period, because people who like japanese content are pedophiles. And that if you watch any anime with minors, then you are a pedophile.

So guys, you and I, who enjoy japanese manga and anime, we are pedophiles. So sad
22 11,2023
Your girl was curious so she looked up how long the rectum is and apparently they are between 5-8 inches, sources vary. Basically, unless that lightsaber reaches the sigmoid colon, that baby is likely at best 8 inches. At worst a smol 5 inch cock.

So next time you read a yaoi, take note where that lightsaber pokes (●'◡'●)ノ
12 09,2023
i thought lube was just lube lolol.

any ph below a 5.5 is not safe for the butt. it has to be neutral ph 5.5 to 7.
20 09,2023
Not just on this site. But any site/platform in general. I personally block the most on disqus. Many people to reply to comments are doing so in bad faith. I simply choose to not give them my time. I block a lot on xitter too, especially EeLawn Mower.

Apparently some people refuse to block because they view it as "losing" and will continue to engage in arguments so they can be the "winner". Honestly never knew this was a thing lol I thought you should just block the moment the conversation turns hostile and/or drags on too long.

I don't view it as winning or losing, I prefer to think whether I've made my case or not. If I have and if the other person isn't focused on the point anymore and have resolved to insults or side-tracking, then I block to disengage and prevent childish arguments. I block because I can tell it is not necessary to keep talking.

Do you block? Why or why not?
10 09,2023