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PPsama's answer page 2 (38)

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HEAT : i dont feel any pain while on my period so i guess it's not that bad for me but the anxiety of it leaking and changing pads every hr is troubling and annoying. But in heat u'll get to feel good right? if u dont have a partner just get a fcking sex toy! taa-daa problem solved. taking pills once a month/once every 3 month isn't that bad if u d......   2 reply
26 10,2019
hentai, truck, chocolate   reply
16 05,2021
im just one of those normies so probably a beta. being plain is not that bad...... *cries in disappointment*   reply
02 11,2019
was watching normal anime, then discovered some yaoi anime, rlly liked the yaoi without realizing its even yaoi (i was 7 and don't know a thing about lgbt), searched more into it, now im obsessed   reply
05 07,2020
i think so(?) cuz i also like phycho character (eg, hisoka from hxh) but not in real life. if hisoka was real imma head out. plot twist : we're both not normal lol   reply
14 05,2021
i've stayed 60kg for almost 4 years now. it's sad.   3 reply
20 07,2019
(here r a few) sleepover with a friend and we all have amazing bed hair, me on a trip no matter how old i am, allnighter watching anime, when i c that some ppl have shit taste in anime   1 reply
24 01,2020
from thailand, nice to meet ya . im actually half belgium but i cant speak the language, what a shame.   reply
17 08,2019
It's gonna get long so get ready to read. I discovered yaoi when i was 7 and i was still innocent. Then when i was 10 i started getting into the manga/manhwa yaoi and enjoyed it a loooot. Then (less than a year later) when i was 11 i started getting into hardcore stuff like BDSM, tentacles and all those toxic ones, and i really liked them. Not for ......   reply
22 03,2019
i love bdsm in yaoi no matter how soft or hardcore it is. i know for a fact that that's bdsm is not always like what u see in yaoi but i still enjoy it AS LONG AS IT'S CONSENSUAL. if the seme dares to hurt my sweet uke ill kill him for sure!   reply
22 03,2019
junjou romantica and otoko something (can't remember) bc it hasn't updated in a loooooong time and the story is hella long. so eventually i forget what had happened and just cant b bothered to re read it again ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
04 12,2019
no cuz at the end ull just get tired of each other and ended up killing one another. and divorce is to complicated, i just cant with it.   1 reply
10 01,2020
be yourself, dont try acting like anime characters cuz u look like shit doing it. stop being a cry baby cuz not everybody is gonna be there for u. dont force ppl to be your friend if they dont want to cuz it's their lives and it's non of your business. stop lying. dont act like a naive kid cuz you'll regret it. and stop thinking that u look cute cu......   reply
29 07,2019
oh hell nah, i gotta let the world know im a fudanshi. im desper to get a rl fudanshi friend rn so the world gotta know bout this (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   2 reply
02 11,2019
ATTENTION HERE PLS. I thank everyone for all the advise u guys r giving me. Here r some more information about the situation and how i think. Sooo i dont have any grudge on saying srry but i guess that the way i c it isnt the best eigther. Tbh i dont think that saying srry would help the situation. This is bc shes been shouting at me for every sin......   3 reply
17 02,2020
24 07,2019
yes and no. i dont read shonen ai and i tend to choose the more hardcore ones, but no old ugly fat dudes raping a 5 y.o ok? Hell no i wont read that. does that count as picky? wai, i didnt read the question. i dont know what matervate mean. lmao   1 reply
24 07,2019
bara....   4 reply
24 07,2019
idk who was my first fictional crush but i know that i got 317 husbando (5 of them r waifus). i keep track of them all XD   2 reply
04 02,2020