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Eggu_chan's answer page 2 (24)

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If this is real, i pray 4 you. I'm technologically inept so i can't help you.   1 reply
31 01,2024
It was some obscure naruto doujinshi i discovered on my sister's phone. I opened it and saw she was on a BL site and it was manga titles. Clicked whatever and opened a new door....should've been almost 10-9 years ago. When i was still middle school. Now i'm turning 26.   1 reply
19 01,2024
I can't believe i missed this thread. Well, during that time, i got OBSESSED with CN LNs. Read some JP ones too. Mostly BLs but i also read shoujo stuff on the JP side. I read so many shit. Both slop and good stuff. Now it's a balance of novels and manga.   reply
24 03,2024
about question
Houseki no kuni, it starts off bright and goes heavy on depression and psychological as soon as the MC goes through change/"character development". Very heavy angst. Hmmm maybe Mahou Tsukai no Yome?? I know you said no romance but romance there is VERY slowburn, imo, both MC and the...ML i guess??? Idk how to call him but the dude isn't human and......   reply
23 12,2023