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sam's answer page 3 (99)

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15 11,2023
No. This is my practice ground on how to win arguments against dumb people so i can do that irl without crying. + Its fun.   1 reply
15 11,2023
about question
I didn't even try, nope, not interested, although its fun to see some omegle interactions on reels and all but that's about it. Rip the content creators but idc lol   reply
09 11,2023
Join to embrace my love towards humanity (just 2 left in stock!!!)   reply
07 12,2023
Reading more has just made me realise how much haterade i have inside of me towards certain type of ppl. Its not necessarily bad i think, but its exhausting.   reply
26 12,2023
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My heart says yes but my mind says no. If they experience what they did to others themselves, that will be true punishment for them, like i have a sick shower thought (genuinely sickening, and i genuinely dont believe in what i am about to say) that 2 rapists should be made to rape each other, what are they gonna say, no? But that's not how the wor......   reply
17 01,2024
about question Was sharing this piece in a server, read it.   reply
14 12,2023
I was enlightened after joining this server, its worth it.   reply
15 11,2023
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13 01,2024
Ik u joking, i wanna agree with u as a joke but i cant bro...i dont miss those times one fucking bit...i cant....   reply
13 01,2024
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I am a toilet terrorist fangirly and i gotta say...this is funny as shit but its getting a lil out of hand ngl...................coz toilet is definitely a top......................but i respect ya all....   3 reply
15 10,2023
18 10,2023
I simply gave up, succumb to the procrastination lord and choose art lmfao...i dont wanna do meth or sience any longer. I used to like being on top of the class but now it just feels like a burden. But something that helped me pass was cutting off my phone. Choose books over online pdf etc. Or print it out and thrown ur phone away. Seriously. The......   1 reply
18 10,2023
I hate irl interaction. I want people to just leave me alone. (I will die if they do, i dont hate them either but my feelings are real) online interactions >> offline. I get nervous around people and i hate it. And it grew even more the first time i had to present infront of 60 people on stage. (It was mandatory for everyone) and i fuked it up so b......   reply
18 10,2023
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Bro...this aint no Wattpad   reply
15 10,2023
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Get shot in the worst read was loli stuff...i was young okay....that i even tried to read something like that...i did not enjoy it tho...never went near anything like that ever again...   1 reply
12 01,2024
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Tbh i can read anything and everything but Painter of the night, ik i am gonna kill myself after are worse stuff but this just makes me angry idk...even jinx etc is fine...coz i love to shit on em for being bad but that i can handle extreme gore and all but i cant make myself read potn... The hype all over the intern......   2 reply
06 10,2023
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I have never seen it coz people talk about how depressing it and i dont wanna add more on to my already existing depression.   reply
25 08,2023
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Mangas have better proportions in the resent time (ofc old ones are kinda trash imo) so i like the Japanese more than the Korean but if they have good body proportions then i will read anything. Story wise, both are most of the time trash so anything with good story will do...   2 reply
12 01,2024
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Nahhh i love these weird ass translations tho...most of the time its HILARIOUS bro...and i can get the context by just looking at the pictures most of the time. (I only glance over the text to see the key words) The only downside to reading raws is that TOO much of the context is lost, thats why i appreciate whoever translates it ngl. + I cant comp......   1 reply
27 12,2023
Water.   2 reply
27 12,2023
14 01,2024
Idk who tf they are bro, but i now am interested in their beef if someone is kind enough to link me some of the...evidence...   reply
14 01,2024
about question
Batchelor of Design coz i have always been an creative art kid. Hoping to get into product designing field or animation maybe...will test the waters when i get there. My parents wanted me to go into engineering coz of my good marks but i refused. I even took science in highschool coz of them but i wouldn't walk on the path of a basic bitch no more.......   1 reply
16 10,2023