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CHRYSANTHEMUM CHRYSALIS's answer page 1 (36)

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My dad was a drug dealer....And my moms ex was someone that my dad sold drugs to and he came to my moms apartment because her ex owed him money for literally can’t make this stuff up it’s so crazy   reply
10 07,2021
I’m an Aquarius, I don’t dislike my sign I like it but I don’t really like the stereotypes surrounding Aquarius like “Aquarius’ are cheaters” “Aquarius can’t be faithful or that we are selfish liars and some people believe that and it’s definitely not the cause.   3 reply
11 10,2020
IMO SOME kpop fans can be so racist towards black people while also enjoying things/trends/culture that black Americans created ie (rap/hip hop)(AAVE). I hope that I don’t get hate for saying this but if I had a dollar for every time a kpop fan said that kpop is only for white and Asian people and that black people ruin fandoms id be rich and it ......   1 reply
14 07,2021
about lmao
If you don’t want to read about inexperienced people then don’t read the manga..... same for if you don’t want to be around virgins then just don’t be around one is forcing you.   reply
05 06,2021
about nicknames
One more creepy thing that happened in my town actually happened at my house. When I was 12 I had a puppy, she had a lot of health issues and ended up dying at like 3/4 months old. We had a little funeral for her (yes guys I’m sentimental) and buried her in our backyard. The next day I visited her but I kept feeling really weird and unsettled l......   reply
03 12,2020
This is one of my favorite digital drawings I’ve ever done   2 reply
25 05,2021
TW;Talks of assault,abuse,and discriminatory mindsets You do know there are people who have been horrifically abused and don’t have people that love them right? I personally know many people who have tried suicide because of the abuse that they have faced and not being able to move on from it. No amount of love can ever “fix” abuse, sufferi......   reply
11 12,2020
My 1st and 5th grade teachers bullied me so badly that I had to change classes and then they made rumors about me…. The whole thing was terrible   1 reply
16 days
about question
For me as an artist I think that people just do it for fun, or to see themselves as the character so when I see people that race bend Disney characters/anime characters I don’t get offended. I’ve seen southeast Asian artist draw anime characters but darker them/give them more southeast Asian features, same with Mixed race artist and other peopl......   reply
13 07,2021
Congratulations!!! You’re doing amazing! And I’m so proud of you   1 reply
20 06,2021
about question
Because my younger siblings need me, our parents are kind of shitty and they rely on me a lot so I can’t leave them but lord knows I want to KMS so badly but I’m getting help for my emotions   reply
02 06,2021
I'm agoraphobic. I have agoraphobia which is a fear of people and wide spaces   reply
29 07,2017
There are multiple verified cases of incest on my fathers side of the family including my father who slept with his a few of his 3rd cousins and jokes about.....while also preaching about the Bible and sin and how being gay is a sin while his family has so much incest that I’m shocked they aren’t deformed yeah   1 reply
16 05,2021
about question
I don’t really know, my family says that they love me but then they have held me back from getting the treatment I need and didn’t really have any interests in my for the majority of my life until they saw me as an oddity or a unique existence. Most of the time I just feel like a zoo animal around my family like they just observe me and don’t......   reply
01 03,2021
I recently became a mamamoo and (g)idle fan this year. I am a moo moo and part of the Neverland   reply
29 10,2019
I’ve never been super social to begin with because of many different things but I feel like I’m becoming more comfortable with the fact that I’m just not that social of a person and that’s okay   reply
31 05,2021
YES! But even though I want to be in a relationship I’m choosing not to because my self esteem and self worth definitely isn’t where it needs to be and I have a huge tendency to let people treat me poorly so yup lonely but healing   1 reply
25 04,2021
about question
Oh no not a pickmeisha....women aren’t linear beings we all have different interests and for you to be a “imnotliketheothergirlseisha” is so weird...   reply
10 06,2021