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BoxyTrash's answer page 2 (59)

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Do you have any idea how uncomfortable it makes someone to ship them with someone else? Like it's a scummy thing to do regardless of the peeps gender and sexuality and you should geniunly shame yourself for it. Oh and take that from a person who was also shipped with someone I didn't like in that way, it is really frustrating...   reply
16 07,2020
04 02,2021
This is... Acceptable...   1 reply
04 02,2021
Bruh sign me tf up I'm legit interested in such topics   reply
18 02,2021
I strongly dislike Harem because all the characters and their dynamics are pretty bland and boring mostly and it also has heavy ecchi The only Harem I actually do like is the "otome getting reincarnated as a villain" one (The name's too long lmao)   reply
13 07,2020
Look I agree, not all if even most girls read BL for that reason but that doesn't mean it wasn't still made with the original intention to fetishize them and aimed at a specific audience in this case, straight women So yeah just read whatever the hell you want tho, because in the end who's gonna care ao much to actually stop you? But also, manga i......   reply
04 04,2021
Okay so the 3rd photo was my spanish hw so here take my wonderful 6th photo instead   reply
09 02,2021
27 06,2020
I'm on PC buuuut   reply
27 06,2020
Ok so everyone already stated the general reason as to why BLs are way more popular than GLs but as a personal reason: A lot of GLs are honestly really boring and as a lesbian I find that really unfortunate. I like slow burn and slow paced stories but oh my gods most GLs take place in a mundane boring highschool setting where they really prioriti......   reply
21 10,2023
Aight I'll be overtaking Satan, start a war and become the new ruler with my hot demon gf brb And yes I will name myself something hella dumb like "Sweetheart Crumble" just for the hell of it   reply
17 07,2021
Okay so I was in 1st grade and I was pretty dumb So it was like my first day at school and I had to go to this after school thing where kids go to eat, vibe and do their homework when their parents are too busy with work But my dumbass 1st grade brain couldn't grasp what it actually was and went into the school bus instead, and the conversation we......   reply
26 02,2021
I was about 12 and my first exposure to BL was prob Yuri On Ice and then I went on to watch Sekaiichi Hataukoi which then lead me to read the manga and oh lawd I didn't expect there to be any sex scenes and for that reason was like (⊙…⊙ ) the whole way reading it lol   reply
12 08,2020
about shipping
After re-reading your comment for about 5 times, I finally get what you're saying But yeah I agree, I don't get when people say that because what change would them being gay men even make to the story....? Like I swear, people only say such shit because they don't get their precious yaoi smut scenes for once and it's geniunly disgusting.   reply
20 12,2020
For all asking, this is the original video where the clip comes from lol:   reply
07 02,2021
I used to call myself a fujoshi a lot when I was like 13 cuz I thought it just meant liking BL in general but luckily I stopped because a lot of my friends made me aware of it not being okay to do Going kinda off topic now ig? I'm just a queer girl who likes to read and watch BL (and actually lgbtq+ stuff in general tbh) because there's almost no ......   1 reply
26 01,2021
about question
29 01,2021
Remember when TikTok app was called "" and it was just kids dancing and lip syncing to songs and just having fun Like it was cringe af BUT NOBODY DIED BECAUSE OF SUCH A BRAINLESS THING-   reply
29 01,2021
about question
Awe crap sorry guys my pure raw adhd escaped my brain and decided to post on mangago my bad   2 reply
20 11,2023
Charlie is the only man who deserves rights after cats take over.   reply
21 12,2020
about question
30 01,2021
A close guy friend of mine reads a ton of BL   reply
30 01,2021
Jfc what is wrong with them First of all, they geniunly need to get a grasp of reallity, this is truly disgusting Second DO NOT UNDER ANY FUCKING CIRCUMSTANCE SHIP PEOPLE IRL You do not snuck your nose and control over other peoples relationship, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU BARELY KNOW SHIT ABOUT THEM And third I hope they get righfully punished.   reply
06 07,2020