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ina's answer page 2 (57)

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30 04,2021
Disappearance of all the idiots of this world (I don't mean people who are bad at school, but the stupid asses whom rot our lives)   reply
30 04,2021
Stressed about exams and my uncertain future   reply
10 06,2021
I'm a ten but I'm hairy #-.-)   1 reply
21 10,2023
My longest friendships have been longing for 7 years. I moved out and I see them only during holidays. But this is only with my group of friends of high school I am this close because I cut off ties with toxic persons and don't bother with unmatching people. Then, maybe you didn't found corresponding friends to you yet?   reply
29 12,2020
Maybe you can find another obsession, but healthy to resolve this problem? Like squeezing a stress ball. You can even do it in class and on the way. You can also chew in the air when you want to eat without being hungry I hope it helps you a bit   reply
24 06,2021
I don't know what happened, but from what I read (your message here) it seems like you wanted to say your opinion about some "lists" about some presumed pedos but you didn't use the adequates words and seemed rude because you were hurt by tt, and after some people have started hating on you and others defending you trying to understand what you mea......   2 reply
23 02,2024
Yuri. I read more yaois but I think yuris are so sweet and adorable. Yaoi is too focused on sex. This is why I prefer shonen ai over yaoi.   3 reply
05 03,2020
People are insane The craziest shit I saw in school was a girl pushing through a crowd to beat up a guy that was one of her besties, I don't know what happened between them but it was kinda funny because she was swimming through people and I saw two people coming out the same toilet cabin too after having sex xD   reply
15 03,2024
07 06,2021
-I think that you truly love yourself and communicate better right now You accomplished a lot of your dreams and you are about to begin new ones I'm glad that you didn't give up and was fighting hardships Just know that I love you and I'm proud of you Don't forget to follow what you want whatever the difficulties I hope you to walk on a flower fiel......   1 reply
07 06,2021
17 04,2021
It's cute :3   reply
17 04,2021
I'm obsessed with butts xD   reply
10 11,2019
17 06,2021
I'm "looks innocent and really amicable, but I will shock you when I will say some perv things later"   reply
17 06,2021
In the future, I want to. But not because it's a social pressure, it's a childhood dream to marry my soulmate. :3   2 reply
16 11,2019
Murderer and I'm not even surprised I laughed when I read "Mental issues are highly possible in your case." xD   reply
17 03,2021
Homophobic actors playing gay characters.   reply
22 08,2023
"You're too skinny, you should eat!" I would win a Food Contest against the most of people telling me this... "You're a girl, you shouldn't be too muscular" The girl I am may beat your ass, so shut up. *mockeries on my outfits* At least, I have a personality unlike you. (from my parents) "You must succeed this year, you repeated already" My stu......   reply
16 03,2020
I got him   reply
23 01,2021
28 04,2021
Stress until exhaustion, can't control well my anger, don't clean my bedroom regularly, don't eat heathily while time of stress   reply
28 04,2021
about question
19 12,2023
Anger issues, I guess?   reply
19 12,2023