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That Fujoshi's question (10)

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Lately I've been stuck imagining
What I wanna do and what I really think
Time to blow out
Be a little inappropriate
'Cause I know that everybody's thinking it
When the lights out
Shame on me
To need release
I, I, I wanna go-o-o all the way-ay-ay
Taking out my freak tonight
I, I, I wanna show-ow-ow
All the dir-irt-irt
I got running through my mind
Whoa, oh, oh
13 02,2024
about question
Soo I'm That Fujoshi and I've been on this site for like 6 years and...
Suggest me a new username, I'll pick the top comment as my username :D
But pls don't recommend any term with relation to child p*rnography, r*cist remarks, misogynistic terms or any term which is derogatory towards a particular group or community.

I'll keep that username for at least 1 year starting from 1st March 2024 to 1st March 2025.
Good day y'all
05 02,2024
Which yaoi seme would you let your body use as their c*mdump?
Yeah mine is Joo Jaekyung
Side Note: If you give me sh*t about this question I'll come chase you in your nightmares..
15 01,2024
about question
1. I hate trans community:

No I don't, the screenshots are NOT lies but it was just me explaining that I hate tictoc communities because they portray trans community (a marginalized community) in a bad light to others most of the time, that was my take.

I'm not explaining this because I genuinely hate being misunderstood, my English is not that good that's why it looked like I was saying that I "hate" trans ppl but it is far from truth because I love everyone regardless of their gender
28 02,2024
about question
To Stardust
Emm but there's barely any good trans representation in tictoc tho..
I've seen some videos which genuinely made me feel nauseas because the creators whom I'm talking about , humors were just so ugly and they said that trans ppl r actually like gods and .. there were other videos where a trans women explained how she actually gets periods and uses tampons, they explained in so much detail, I've seen some more weird stuff where a biological female was being called not real women and the stuff goes on and on...
Tictoc in general is a really weird app and I believe all the stuff those creators did were probably so that they can get "hate views" but honestly is it so wrong to hate stuff like that because basically they're spreading misinformation about their own community
28 02,2024
about question
I don't think I owe u an explanation but
Here we go
Scenario 1: A cis women abuses her pet
Scenario 2: A trans women abuses her pet
What do you do, will u say that you'll only judge scenario 1? Both are equally wrong, and if you don't accept you're a bigot lmao

Let's make it a little harder
Scenario 3: A cis women says that trans women r not real women
Scenario 4: A trans women says that cis women r not real women
What would u do? Will u still think it's ok? To ignore a video and move past?
I've seen some genuine videos with this exact theme, that's why as a person who supports trans ppl, I feel that these kind of videos r truly disturbing and should be removed from tictoc regardless of the person is cis or trans

And the racism you're talking about, what exactly did I say even rasict?!
Do you even know what is racism? Illiterate piece of trash
28 02,2024
about question
Has the 'M' site been identified by Kakao Entertainment??

Just saw online that the sites listed for copyright are:
1. 1stkissm*nga
2. B*to. To
3. M*ngadex
4. Newt*ki/ m*natoki
5. S2m*nga

But idk if its verified or not
14 01,2024
about question
That Fujoshi
16 01,2024
Your fav yaoi memes??
16 01,2024
about question
URGENTLY Need friends to discuss horror manga and share recs with each other!!
27 02,2024
about question
Your most hated seme/top/gong/tachi?
Mine is guess...
Not Sangwoo, Not Jaekyung, Not Seungho
It's definitely Klopp/Clogh from Into the Rose Garden..
Sick f*ck tortured uke just because his ego is bigger than the universe
12 01,2024