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Elaphae's answer page 3 (62)

Sort: Newest / Hottest A French song about breaking up. I'll give you the translation of the lyrics just here I feel like this answer is chaotic good   reply
10 02,2024
about dates
Well, currently dating a fatty ! When I got together with my boyo, he was 130 kilos, more or less. Annnnd... we really clicked. He was (and still is) a smart-ass bitch, funny as hell, a work-hard man and a cutie. I loved and still love his face and expressions. Before I knew, I was asking him out. We are together for two years now and it's the bes......   2 reply
06 01,2020
I have a kink for submissive sex. Moreover, I want to be the submissive one. I love when my partner shoves fingers in my mouth, to have my head pushed in the pillows, my hair pulled, to have to obey orders or to be forced to give a blowjob. Calling me names don't work so well on me but I do love when my partner is shaming me for wanting his cock so......   reply
11 05,2020
28 08,2020
French one, here! I'll just post one recipe, sorry. This is one of my favorites : The boeuf bourguignon. It's beef, cooked in red wine, with pork, carrots, oignons and mushrooms. It takes more than three hours to cook and it is a lot better the day after. It's one of my favorites in the ......   reply
28 08,2020
Fuck me in the ass and call me Jesus. I find it funny but I'm in deep shit if I ever utter it in front of my mother.   reply
04 12,2020
about lmao
American Pie from Don McLean. Something touched me deep inside the day... The music... died.   reply
04 06,2021
about writing
27 11,2020
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna!! My discord is BCASLT#9893 and I would love to give and take advice and everything. I wanna, please!   1 reply
27 11,2020
My first crush was Kyo in Fruit Basket.】 I'm really weak against bad boys with a big heart and my current crush confirm it : Jotaro in Jojo's bizarre aventure look at this manly baby. (Tho, I will reckon that I crush on all......   reply
03 05,2020
... I'm really sorry about that. But I think, it's hilarious.   reply
12 10,2020
I didn't like my tights. I have some fat and I really dislike that. But I'm working on it ! I tattooed my right tight(the one I like the least), a big piece -almost 40 cm or so-, and now, I love this part of myself a whole more. The fact that I have on myself tattoos that I love really boosted myself confidence. And force me to take better care o......   reply
25 01,2020
14 02,2021
I tried to make Cesare. Liked it!   reply
14 02,2021
Hey, a caucasian here ! I grew up in a French household and here, children are not depicted as a person who can take care of the old parents but more as the sum-up of the love between two persons. That or a way to have more money x)(because of the allocations in France... Well, I'm joking but that can sadly be true) Moreover, the children are seen......   reply
23 11,2019
Well, interesting question ! Here my answer : - Rape. Just no. When the uke is crying and begging you to stop, just stop... Worse, if after that, a relationship is made between the rapist and the victim, I just want to slap the Mangaka in the face for so much poor writing. - Abuses. Of all sorts. When a seme is overly-jealous and controlling, wh......   1 reply
06 10,2019
That's it I guess...? He's actually hotter than me.   reply
11 05,2021 just saying, this music really put me in good mood. That's catchy as hell!   reply
04 04,2020
It was a manga about a man fleeing a dept and the misterious owner of a teashop... Really a good one.   reply
05 06,2020
about question
11 11,2020
When the seme doesn't want to be fucked. Wait, let me reformulate it: I understand when one man wants to fuck another one because he thinks he's cute r whatever. What I CAN'T understand is when the seme is strongly against it and force the uke to be fucked. First, why do you force someone else to do something you wouldn't accept to be done to you.......   3 reply
11 11,2020
Well, I'm 23 and French. Sexual harassment is mandatory here, or so it seems. But you know, they call it "drague à la française". Bullshit. Fuckin bullshit. That's just rape culture. It happens a lot in the streets and it's really difficult to react to it. Once, I got called out by a man who could have been my father, screaming, literally scream......   4 reply
16 03,2020
about question
19 07,2021
I don't give enough shit about people life and opinions to react.   reply
19 07,2021