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nonetheless's answer (7)

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I will always hate ppl who ship real people together. Eg felix and hyunjin i saw some realistically fan art of them being shipped together and their whole profile was them. They artstyle is good and its amazing its just the content i find it weird.   3 reply
08 08,2023
Smut gets old very quickly and makes the plot boring and hard to read. Usually those types of stories are really overrated and not even that good but people like them for their amazing art style and hot people. The best ones really be ones without the scenes with long and decent amount of chapters as the plot line is generally stronger instead of b......   reply
06 08,2023
I say main character and love interest and so, or refer to their hair colour and features. It feels wrong and weird to say top/bottom cuz its narrowing down to sex roles. Plus i never knew what is what for seme/uke but i never used it so.   1 reply
26 08,2023
about question
She’s disrespectful. I dont see a point in anyone defending her if shes just going to be disrespectful to those fans/defenders. She can have boundaries and stuff but the way she convays it and says it is just distasteful. Especially when these fans forgave her for her past events. I never really listened to her like that and i didnt even hate o......   reply
03 08,2023
about question
Omegaverse. Sometimes i just see it as a chance to have nsfw scenes basically every chapter and its always the typical small frame body omega and big tall alpha. Its just the stereotypical trope that I find the upmost annoying. It gets boring very quickly and i try to avoid it every chance i get.   1 reply
24 07,2023
about question
Someone posted free website to read manga in the comments on webtoon i was reading a few years ago. It took me a while to make an account though   1 reply
21 07,2023
An excuse to have multiple boring sex scenes which gets old really quickly. And the plot basically goes to shit. I have never finished an omegaverse because of this i am no longer interested in a story if it is one. Alot of SA and the same thing basically happens. “I cant control myself” blahblahblah. Ive tried so many times to read different ......   reply
30 12,2023