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MangaMango_'s answer (16)

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I’m impressed with myself but not proud of this one: I once convinced my teacher that he had lost my assignment and I got full credit for his “mistake” when, in fact, I never turned it in because I didn’t do it. It was worth 20% of my grade. I was a compulsive liar as a child because I wasn’t good at making friends and had to use lies to......   reply
17 06,2021
about question
Reading all these answers is really reassuring. I feel like my biggest thing is feeling “worthy” of the community. Because of my ability to have a heterosexual relationship I feel like somehow that invalidates all of those in lgbtq+ who have struggled and fought for their place in the world. I don’t know... anyway, I gotta thank you guys for ......   reply
09 06,2021
You said who’s a what now?¿   reply
18 03,2021
Middle school sucked and here are 2 reasons why: 1) In middle school I hung out with a couple of girls who would bully me daily. I had no other friends so I stuck with them. At lunch they would shame me for what I ate and I even stopped taking lunch to school because I didn’t want to hear it anymore. They would exclude me from everything and the......   reply
08 03,2021
Not very accurate but she holds my same awkward energy so...   reply
18 02,2021
I was around 6 years old when my mother, after driving me home at 1AM while under the influence of alcohol, first told me: “if you weren’t here I would have killed myself by now.” She said the same thing a few more times (of course while drinking) as I grew up. Also, I often cried when my mother would get upset with me as a kid and her respo......   reply
25 02,2021
not sure what to call it but I feel closely connected with it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
25 02,2021
Pretty close. Only thing is I couldn’t include the couple of dark freckles on my chin and nose. Also, my hair is much darker than this. Otherwise, I’m pretty plain looking lol.   reply
15 01,2021
Sweat... like you know those scenes where the “hot” character is working out or something, they are all sweaty, the scene is all slow motion and that cringe music plays in the background. I gag. I can’t stand it. But I have a big problem with sweat soooo...that’s just me I guess.... ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍   reply
08 01,2021
damn I wish I looked this pretty.   reply
09 03,2021
1. Yes (?) I’ve looked at a person’s profile to figure out something about them before (ie: “what’s their baby’s name again?”, “are they related to so and so?”, “is that their bf or their brother?”). Not sure if that counts as stalking? But if it does then, yeah sure lol. 2. No.... but have I cheated? Maybe....... perhaps on ev......   reply
30 01,2021
Sniper every time   1 reply
11 01,2021
When I was in elementary school things weren’t so good at home so I ended up taking it out on one of the boys in my class. I would pick on him and take his stuff and sometimes he would get so frustrated that he would cry. Once he would cry I would feel intensely guilty though and apologize and try to be friendly. We had this weird “I bully you ......   reply
08 03,2021
about question
The male version of my OC seemed way more interesting. I was right.   reply
09 06,2021
I enjoy the Spaniard look. I’m Latin American so this would probably be my style. My eyes are slightly reddish but I like to exaggerate them in picrews ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
05 06,2021