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Sangwoo's drippy coochie milk's answer (7)

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do i even need to explain?   1 reply
05 04,2021
So this is my type, he's the kind of guy to be cold to you in the beginning and then when you start dating your his world and he is the kindest to you What should his name be?   reply
13 03,2021
about dates
no matter what body type a person has they are beautiful, and to to think someone would say something like "fat people tend to be ugly" or "overweight people are not healthy" is just shameful to the world. fat/overweight people are beautiful.   1 reply
08 01,2020
can i be apart of the group, my acc is @neiliah_spamzzz_ you can follow me to.   reply
14 12,2019
@neiliah_spamzzz_ i draw a little i guess   reply
24 01,2020
780.oneiliah   reply
24 12,2020
@neiliah_spamzzz_   reply
19 01,2020