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boobeeboop's answer (4)

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Ive been wanting to get this off my chest even though i know its an unpopular opinion i strongly dislike bakugo from my hero academia........he's an asshole everyone keeps shouting "OH MY GOD HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IS SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!1111!!!!11111!!" yes the CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT ITSELF IS GOOD but that doesnt make him likeable to me imo he has......   10 reply
20 06,2020
HANDS DOWN feeding lamb its straight up yaoi torture porn just yikes but the story is interesting i guess   3 reply
25 06,2020
I personally think that anyone should be able to write whatever they want i'm for self expression in any way as long as its not hateful towards any group i get how you as a lesbian woman would want lgbt stories to be told by people who actually have lived the same things as you have and therefore have realistic experiences but in my head that sort ......   reply
28 06,2020
ahahahaha IMO as long as its cleaned before hand its fair game to lick pretty much any part of the body (asshole included) but to each their own i guess.   reply
11 06,2020