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queer's question page 2 (49)

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oh cestelle, our voice of reason!
cutting through all the pain
a statement oh so fresh to see
all sensical and free

a hero on this cursed plane
shining bright beneath the darkness
oh cestelle, how we sing for you!
without you, what would we do

days gone are horny gay obsessors
since cestelle smote them all
with facts and logic and only truth
obliterated them all with proof

whenever there is toil or trouble
our angel from above will say
a sentence or two that renders them unable
to continue their dark and dastardly ways
09 03,2021
29 01,2021
19 02,2021
fruity loops, oh fruity loops!
chaotic spirit fruity loops!
despite their name, oh fruity loops
does not like to eat fruity loops

questions asked, beware the answers
as fruity loops will bless them
with her reactions, each divine
make everything completely fine

some may say she's problematic
but nay! i jest superbly
for fruity loops smites toxic foes
and everyday, her power grows

her taste in food is oh so creamy
the human seed adds just a touch
of depth to dishes when she is yearning
for a flavor that is hard to come

oh fruity loops! our loved cult leader,
may your reach grow larger each day!
i for one am grateful for
your presence, may it stay!
09 03,2021
hisoka be lookin like fuckin twink pinnochio got that nose like luke atmey
levi's an old man with that bitch-ass fake edgeworth hair
chrollo looks better bald
deku is broccolli
no idea who dojun s but google images showin me an old squinty lookin man who looks in pain i mean i'm into that but not like this
todoroki looks like a mf tide pod
AOT characters look old and wrinkly u-u
nakyum is generic and fuck painter of the night
ok they wrong about naruto tho he got that boyish energy and i love dat hair and whiskers he a handsome boy
but all other characters are batshit ugly asf
haikyuu more like badly written haiku amiright
dragon ball z characters chins look weird
yuri just look normal

i support da message op tryin to send.

and don't say that i don't look any better i'm fucking gorgeous bitches
18 03,2021
06 01,2021
gimme them crazy funny bl quotes
06 01,2021
"Look son, I know that I sacrificed you, my one and begotten son, so that the world could have eternal life, but i think that turning you into a complete slut for cock was a bit too far" God said, as the angels had an orgie in the background.

"Why father," Jesus exclaimed, while riding the cock of Micheal the archangel, "thy action was not too far at all! For in order for man to escape from the desires of the flesh, I must subject myself to the same desires of man, so that they can truly find peace!"

Micheal then moaned and grabbed Jesus's hips, thrusting him down onto his shaft with much force. The pair kept at it, writhing and making noises and shit, as God watched on with great sadness.

"Why did I make everything so horny?"

I am a Christian, and I can assure you that this totally makes sense in the context of the bible, as Jesus had to take on the burden of all of humanities sins.

I will write more if needed.
26 08,2020
on the front page of this cursed site
at the bottom of the sea
is a widget with a history
beyond what it may seem

in days of yore it was wild and free
all sorts of questions asked
socks with sex? are tits wet?
are some of what was seen

it was the year 2019
and i was new to this land
my journey was young, it just begun
with knowledge at my hand

questions asked were unrelated to
the purpose of the site
opinions were open for all to see
and approval was valued highly

oh 2019! how i miss you so!
the environment was different!
filled with life and love and inside jokes
that made me feel belonging

but questions got more and more obscene
trolls roamed these lands aplenty
filling mangago with humor and lust
but these times were soon to end

see, mangago decided sometime
in early 2020
to ban those who dared ask questions they deemed
to be unrelated or spammy

a great purge occured, many lives were lost
questions reported left and right
the landscape changed, culture destroyed
an era had come to an end.

if you go there now, all you will see
are manga related inquiries
but know, dear reader, the history
of the bygone questions age.
09 03,2021
There was a prophet by the name of Jonah, who was a messenger of God. One day, God told Jonah to go on a great journey to the city of Ninevah. God wanted Jonah to tell the people to tone down the horniness, as his angels were getting jealous and wanted to join in. God did not want this, because well, the angels were his cumsluts, dammit.

This was a big task that made Jonah afraid. Not because he might DIE, but because he might die in the manner that he did not WISH to die.

You see, Jonah had a vore fetish. And while a part of the fetish IS dying, it's specifically dying via digestion.

Not by being penetrated in the ass by a horse.

Which, apparently, happened a lot in Ninevah.


Shocked, Jonah spun around to see 2 buff men engaging in what appeared to be oral sex. The blonde one was on his knees, ass exposed and swinging, while the redhead howled in pleasure. He occasionally spanked the blonde himbo's ass, causing him to moan in pleasure.

'oh GOD,' Jonah thought, 't-that could be ME!!!' Jonah was so scared of being anally penetrated that he decided then and there that he wanted to die.

And he knew just the way to do it.

Instead of stopping the horny Ninevanites, he went out on a ship in the hopes of finding something that could fufill his desires. Jonah hoped that God would, you know, understand that he just wanted to be fucking eaten and murdered via acid. Normal stuff.

"Do you, uh, know of any large, hopefully sexy, sea monsters in these parts?" he asked the captain.

"Oh yeah, there was this giant mermaid that we were thinking of seeing." the captain replied.

Holy fucking shit. A GIANT mermaid. Now THAT sounded pretty damn good to Jonah.

"i'll fucking go with you. if you happen to see me, uh, dissapear and can't find me, uh, just leave without me. Don't worry."

"uhhhh ok...?"


Jonah was relieved. If all went well, within a few short days his pain and misery will be gone, and he would finally be able to feel the warmth and love that only a stomach could provide. Fuck god and his shit, he wanted to sleep forever encased in acid.

How foolish Jonah was to think that he could run away from god.

Thanks for reading! Special thanks to @Fruity Loops for inspiring me to write more. Part 2 is coming soon!
23 02,2021
sock it: a gay love story between a man who can't use pronouns, and a sock puppet erotica director. will the two ever make it big in the industry, or will their dreams- and their relationships- end up in shambles?

Chapter 1

>Jeff has a flashback to his breakup
>we can’t see Brian’s face
>”i can’t deal with someone as stupid as you”
>we see Brian’s back as he walks away.
>”no, please don’t leave>”
>we see his hand, reaching out to brian
>he wakes up in a cold sweat.
>”dammit, i had that dream again…” he thinks
>monologue about himself as he gets ready for the day
>goes to wash his face
>looks at himself in the mirror
>reflections changes to himself as a kid
>”i was a pretty normal kid. Smart, funny, immature, nothing too special.”
>we see young jeff smiling, looking over his shoulder as he crossed the street.
>we see a sound effect of a car, and the car’s headlights fill the panel.
>close up of jeff’s eyes
>”but that all changed pretty quickly”
>the panels go back to brian going about his day, getting ready, and driving to pick up his younger brother.
>”miraculously, i wasn’t physically harmed. As far as the doctors could tell, I was fine.”
>we see his younger brother running up to the car. The brother greets him.
>”but as soon as I started talking, they realized something was up”
>”Hey Eric! How has Eric been?”
>”I couldn’t use pronouns.”
>the two interact
>goes on about how it’s impacted his life, and how he doubts that he’ll ever find happiness.
>they arrive at the library
>Eric sees the puppet show
>he and jeff go over and watch it
>Jerry is there putting on the show
>Jeff is shocked to see Jerry there. The two were friends since middle school, but haven’t seen each other since due to Jeff’s accident (he had to have private tutoring)
>Jerry’s passion shines through him, as all the children are intranced
>jeff is intrigued by jerry’s passion.
>after the show, jeff and eric walk up to jerry.
>basically that one scene from sweetness & lightning when the kid and his dad burst into the restaurant during a huge rainstorm
>Jerry recognizes Jeff, and asks him how he’s been.
>Jeff says that he’s been doing well
>eric tells him how much he liked the show.
>jerry is beaming, and thanks him
>jeff excitedly praised him for his passion.
>jerry seems really happy.
>they talk for a bit, and jerry gives jeff his number.
>”we should catch up sometime”
>the two part ways, and jeff heads home.
> the pair texts each other for about a week or too.
>turns out they still have a lot of things in common.
>jerry talks to jeff about his “project.” doesn’t go too into it, but says that it’s going to change the entertainment industry forever.
>jeff is intrigued. He asks Jerry for more details, but he’s hesitant.
>then, a few days later, Jerry asks out of the blue if Jeff could help him. He asks if Jeff could come over and hear him out, and if he’s disgusted or thinks that it’s a bad idea, the two would never speak of it again.
>jeff is like “ok, uh, sure man.”
>jeff arrives at Jerry’s apartment.
>jerry greets him.
> he leads him to his room.
>inside, there are tons, and i mean TONS of sock puppets. Illicit photographs cover the walls, and post-its with notes on them litter the floor.
>jeff looks shocked.
>”what the hell? W-what is this???”
> jerry: “i know this may come as a shock to you, but hear me out.”
>”i have decided to become a sock puppet erotica director”
>jeff: “wait…”

i spent like 45 minutes writing this. i'll be posting more as time goes on.

will jeff accept jerry's odd choice of profession? will jerry accept jeff's weird condition? will i ever be able to actually write sex scenes involving sock puppets?

find out in the next episode of Sock It! The Light Novel
28 08,2020
1. Mix 2 packets of Kool-Aid with 2 cups (470 ml) of water in a saucepan. Pour the water in first. Then add the contents of both Kool-Aid packets. Use a spoon to stir them together until thoroughly combined.[9]

-Choose Kool-Aid that has powder the color that you want your pubic hair to be. For example, cherry Kool-Aid will result in red hair.

-You can also mix packets for different colors.

Kool-Aid Colors for Pubic Hair

Purple: Blue Raspberry + Cherry

Bright red: Cherry

Green: Lemon-Lime + Blue Raspberry

Brown: Lemonade + Orange + Grape

Pink: Pink Lemonade

2. Boil the liquid for 1 to 2 minutes over medium-high heat. Place the saucepan on the stove and bring the water and Kool-Aid to a boil. Stir it while it boils so the powder doesn’t settle at the bottom.[10]

-On a stove with 9 heat settings, medium-high heat is 6 or 7.

3. Remove the pan from the heat and pour the liquid into a bowl. Don’t leave the mixture in the hot pan or it will continue to cook, which can affect the strength of the color. Transfer it to a bowl immediately.[11]

-A cup or basin will work if you don’t have a bowl.

-If you use a plastic container, the Kool-Aid could stain it.

4. Use a hair applicator brush to apply the mixture to your pubic hair. Dip the brush into the bowl to soak up the liquid. Then brush it over your hair, making sure to coat every strand with color. Avoid putting the Kool-Aid mixture on super sensitive spots of your pubic area.[12]

-Do this over an old towel if you don’t want to get Kool-Aid stains on the floor.

-You can buy a hair color applicator brush at a beauty store or from an online retailer. You can also use a paintbrush with soft bristles instead.

5. Let the Kool-Aid mixture sit on your pubic hair for 15-30 minutes. Lighter hair, like blonde or gray, will absorb the color faster. However, darker brown or black hair will take at least the full 30 minutes to change color.[13]

-To keep track of the time, use your phone’s clock app or set a timer.

6. Rinse the mixture off of your pubic hair with warm water and a washcloth. Run water over your pubic hair to remove the Kool-Aid. Gently scrub the area with a washcloth, too, to get rid of any extra color that may be on your skin.[14]

-Once the water runs clear, all of the Kool-Aid mixture is gone.

-If you want a deeper color, repeat the entire process once your pubic hair dries.

-The color will last for 2 to 4 weeks, depending on how often you shower.
10 09,2020
about question
ya'll heard of phantom pains, where amputees have pain in limbs that they've lost or don't have? well i have phantom dick pains. i feel my dick even though i don't have one.
19 02,2021
Snape stud away from his parents cattage, the wind blewing past his pale face. His reven locks swept back by the rooshing air.
“You can’t go there!” Lily shartedd from behend hmi.
“I want too, tho! Your my breast friend! U shood suport meh!”
Snape turned back twoard teh red-hairded girl, exasperation wit his friend. They had been arguing about this for an hour, going back and farth in front of the churches doores.
“Sev pleeeeeese,” she pleaded. “We could get in seri trouble, u know how churchy muggles act arond magic users.”
“Shout up, thot.”
Lily approached Snape, looking for dem lovin, and then planted a wet kiss upon him lips. Snape jumpe back in butter disgust.
“What teh hell?! Get of of me! Im not in ot girls liek u!”
“Oh, okay…”
Lily looked down, depresin ): . Snape hugge her.
“Just kidding. I wuv u owo.”
Snape suddelny looked into the chirch, seeing the hot byo with the halow on top of hsi head and beeems of light shining of of his toonick body.
“Get outta’ da way, Lily.”
Snape rushed into the church before their eyes met. Jesus’ dark skin glowed in the lights surrundin him. The pasty smol bean felt shy, Will senpai notice him?! The dark senpai spooted basty boi and smiled, brightar then a fone screen at twee in the mornin.
“Hewwo dwear fwiend.”
26 08,2020
so i was looking around and i found this website called "this anime does not exist"

basically, it randomly generates an image of a character in the anime art style. sometimes it looks really good, but other times it looks straight up terrifying.
here's the link if you want to try it out. share your favorite results lol
11 02,2021
-you're a part of a community that is actually filled with people that do fetishize gay people because of yaoi

-you're a part of a community that is filled with people who harrass gay people when they point out any flaws with yaoi

-if you obsess over anything that's gay because it's gay, you're fetishizing homosexuality

-if you think that anything in BL has anything to do with MLM, you're mixing fiction with reality

-if you think that rape is ok because of BL, you are a problem

-if you ship male classmates together, you are a problem

-if you want to date a gay guy because of yaoi, you are a problem

-if you want to do anal with a guy because you want to be like your favorite yaoi character, you are a problem

-if you harrass people to come out because it's fine in yaoi, you are a problem

-if you want to turn a guy gay because of yaoi, you are a problem

-if you use the term seme and uke in normal conversation, you are a problem

-if you assume who is a top and who is a bottom, you are a problem
26 01,2021
about question
queer here.
i'm about to get real with ya'll, and i'm going to get personal with ya'll too. i'm going to be ranting about my own personal tastes, so if you're not comfortable with that, or have any objections, please don't continue reading. ty.

tw: rape

ever since i was a kid (about 8-9 years old), i've had a hypnosis fetish. as a 5-year old my reaction to it was absolute terror. anytime a hypnosis subplot came onto tv (and let me tell you, there were LOTS. especially with electric company. holy shit that stuff scarred me as a kid), i would cover my eyes and ears and curl up into a ball. The thought of someone messing with me against my will, without me even knowing was FUCKING TERRIFYING-

It's pretty common for fears to turn into fetishes, and that's what ended up happening with me. Hypnosis scares the living shit out of me- i don't ever want it to actually happen to me- but thinking about it is quite a kick in the pants, if you catch my drift.

why am i bringing this up? well, because MOST of the people that share my particular kink are FUCKING CREEPS-

see, what I like about hypnosis is the fact that you're completely vulnerable. you can't hide anything, and all of your reactions are completely honest. if a person tells you to do something, there's no fear of them being disgusted or blaming you for anything; they asked for it, so they're responsible and will accept you completely. As a very insecure person, this is really appealing to me. And also, uh, the power dynamic is nice too.


Oh, and DON'T GET ME STARTED ABOUT THE RAPE FANATICS. See, "hypnosis" and "rape" are for SOME REASON inseperable in the hentai universe. This is fucking preposterous as there are MANY ways that you can implement hypnosis into consensual sex, but nOOOOO, THEY JUST HAVE TO MAKE IT FUCKING RAPE EVERYTIME TO FEED INTO POWER HIGH OF INCELS, SMH-

Like if you have this fetish, you're going to end up having to read some hypnorape shit. At least I fucking try to pretend that the scenes are consensual (and before you get onto me for reading rape shit, i am not reading it for the rape. i am reading because it's the only shit that caters to my kink)

But these fuckers READ IT for the rape. it's not that it just so happens that rape ticks off all of the criteria of things they like. No. Their desire is to fucking rape a helpless girl and brainwash them into liking it. No concern about the actual girl, it's just disgusting.

i fucking hate having to share a community with those absolute creeps. When I'm just trying to find some hypnosis good content to look at of characters that actually seem to be HAPPY AND ENJOYING STUFF- yes i know that they are probably not genuinely enjoying it, but GOD LET ME JUST BELIEVE THIS LIE- there are these ASSHOLES, just leaving creepy sexist comments talking about turning them into a slave because "that's all women should be"


it fucking sucks when you're into something for a specific reason but everyone else is into it because they just want a fantasy where they can rape people easier.

u. g. h.

TL;DR: I'm into hypnosis stuff because I have extremely low self confidence and it sort of fufills my desire to be needed and accepted, yet anytime I tell people they think I'm one of those fuckers that just want to turn people into sex slaves and rape them. and this makes me very sad and distressed.
10 03,2021
hi everyone. queer here.

so in the time that mangago has been shut down, i got into friday night funkin.

i know a bit about music composition, so i joined the modding server for the game on discord.

someone posted a video to a mod, saying "yo we need some composers"

so i was like "AW HELL YEAH I CAN DO THAT-"

so i joined and they let me on the team. the video had like, 162 views.

about 3 days later, i had ended up becoming the head writer for the mod. the mod tackles dementia and schizophrenia in a serious and accurate way, and so I was doing tons of research.

i decided to go check back on the video.

it had 200,000 views.

and i FREAKED-

tl;dr: in the time mangago was down i somehow became the head writer for a friday night funkin mod that went viral.

da video:
03 04,2021
pucci is italian.
100% italian.
not black.
he's tan.
color schemes in jojo's are not canon, as they are not decided by araki.
remember, weather report, pucci's twin brother, was only targeted by the KKK because he was going to marry a black woman. they mention how weather report's bloodline "will be ruined". if pucci was indeed black, then this would make no sense, and to say otherwise is disrespecting araki's writing abilities.

just wanted to let people know that owo
19 02,2021
Heyyyy it's been a while!
In case you didn't know, I'm queer (formerly "oh look, a queer", but I decided to shorten it, as that's what I go by on other social media.)

It's been about a year since the conception of Sock It!, and I'm very sorry that there hasn't been any updates. The pandemic has hit me hard, and I've had to adjust to online schooling which has left me with very little free time.

In case you didn't know, Sock It! is a BL fic about a sock puppet erotica director and a guy who is physically unable to use pronouns. The comic explores their relationship, and their journey into the strange world of alternative pornography.

It's something that I've been working on off-and-on for the past year, but I haven't really had the time to focus on it.

That is, until now.

I'm happy to announce that this summer, the first chapter of Sock It! will be released on Mangago and My Reading Manga! YAYYYYY!!!

I can't give too many details, but here's what you can expect!

- A full-color story in a webtoon format
- Jeff and Jerry, fully drawn
- Fun and entertaining artist's notes!

This is all possible due to me getting a new drawing tablet!

I'm suuuuuper excited about this, and I can't wait to show you what I've been working on!

There'll be plenty of surprises in store, so make sure to be on the lookout for new updates!

That's all for now! THANK YOU FOR READING!!!

28 02,2021
"e-ebola chan~"
Ebola-chan cupped Corona-chan's supple breasts in her hands, gently carressing them. This was the first time that Corona chan had ever been with another virus, and the tension was just too much for her. She shuddered, as waves of pleasure washed over her.

"oh damn you're fucking sensitive here aren't you, you little slut-"

"d-don't say that- mHHMMMMM!!!"

Ebola-chan was now suckling Corona-chan's nipples. There were soft, yearning nips, and the sensation was too much for the young virus.

"i think- ah- i think i'm going to spread!!!"

Ebola-chan looked up at Corona-chan.

" mean come, right?"


Ebola-chan rolled her eyes. She was much more experienced than Corona-chan, and found her inexperience to be both endearing and at the same time annoying. She continued sucking Corona-chan's breasts, and began to stroke her clit.

"oh god... oh gOD-"

Corona-chan couldn't take it anymore. She wrapped her legs around Ebola-chan's body and moaned, her body going limp.

"that- that was amazing" she gasped, resting her chin on the virus's shoulder.

"yeah i know lmao"

and they lived happily ever after until the vaccine came around and killed them both, but that's another story for another day.
29 01,2021