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queer's question page 3 (49)

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God was seriously regretting this entire "taking on the sins of the world" thing.

His son dying over and over, experiencing excrutiating pain? That's great.

But seeing his beloved son turn into a fucking cock-sucking semen whore in order to save mankind?

Fuck mankind.

He didn't want to see this shit.

But, as he was an omniscient, omipotent, omnipowerful god, he had to see every fucking second of it.

And, oh joy, his wonderful son was giving the archangels a blowjob.

"Oh Jesus, we praise thee for your greatness! Thy hast taken on the burdens of sin to set the world free!" the angels cried out, as Jesus gave head to Gabriel.

"I tell you the truth," Jesus said, taking a break to give a sermon, "that it has been written, that the son of man shall cleanse the world from sin. And what better way to do that, than with thy mouth!"

"Amen, Lord! Amen!" the archangels sing, as Jesus went down on Gabriel's cock, bobbing his head up and down, and all God could do is weep.

Should I do more. Because I can do more.
26 08,2020
in case you don't know what these people watch here's some wonderful videos to watch to know who we're going to have to deal with:

Pretty much in 1-3 years some of these 50,000+ people are going to find this little website and we're going to have to deal with them.

Isn't that AWESOME!!!
25 01,2021
but i got some new shoes that be lookin pretty slick, what do ya'll think?
01 02,2021
Uh, damn. People REALLY did not seem to like my "fuck anime pretty boys" post. I, uh, wasn't TRYING to start a debate or get people to agree with me, i was just venting and joking around.

I'm sorry about the "testosterone" part. That was my failed attempt at a joke.

Just, let me explain what I actually think:

I don't care for anime guys with more feminine designs. The main reason has nothing to do with the fact that they're feminine- it's more that feminine male anime characters tend to have cookie-cutter personalities and goals.

Yes, I prefer masculine characters in general. This isn't just regarding men; I prefer masculine or tomboy female characters more that feminine characters as well. However, I'm not saying that femininity isn't valid, and I have no idea how people got to that conclusion.

Feminine male anime characters (Think Sebastian and Claude from Black Butler or Giorno Giovanna, not someone like Honey Senpai from Ouran Host Club), in my experience, tend to be very bland characters. They're calm, reserved, and angsty messes, and almost every show has one. I find these characters to be pretty annoying, because they tend to not have personality or emotions. They don't have personal interests, the only thing they're focused on is their goal, and even then they don't seem very interested in it.

This reminds me a lot of the male love interests in early bishounen works, which I also don't care for; hence, the "bishounen bullshit" line.

And speaking of not being into their goal, that's where the "testosterone" and "passion" parts come in. Since I had just ranted about how i preferred masculinty, I thought it would be funny to get super pumped about testosterone, as it's associated with passion. That's all it was, a not-well-thought-out joke. I'm sorry if it came across as me shaming anyone.

My line about anime dudes acting like dudes, again, has nothing to do with masculinity, and instead is about personality and goals. I just want them to seem realistic and have diversity in personality. In my opinion, we don't have enough anime characters that just seem like average people. No tragic backstory or revenge plot, just someone living their life. I'm not saying that mascilinity equals being a dude, and I never said that.

Also, on a smaller note, yes. I prefer guys on the masculine side. If you're going to hate on me for that, then go ahead, whatever. This isn't due to conservative rhetoric; I used to like anime guys that were more on the feminine side, but as I grew older I grew an appreciation for more masculine characters. This has nothing to do with the "issues" i see in anime. I just want to see more characters that I like. Is that so bad?

Anyways, I am very sorry if anyone took my post as hurtful or upsetting. I only just now woke up, and I wrote this at like, 1 am in 5 minutes. I didn't put enough thought into it.

Thank you,

TL;DR: Post before was a joke. I just like masculine anime dudes and find angsty "heros" to be annoying. Anything else "implied" was unintentional, and I'm sorry.
26 02,2021
so uh as a member of the lgbtqiaciafbimapwho+ community, i believe that yaoi is a crime! i mean, making something as empowering as gay sex into fapping material for STRAIGHT WOMEN? what a MOCKERY of my people!

i don't care if it's fiction, it sets a narrative that makes it seem ok for heterosexuals to intringe on the sacred homosexual experience! which is NOT COOL.

it also puts women in the position of longing for the embrace of a man, which just fuels the patriarchy!!! drawing the male body to lure in female readers? that's just the men trying to put you in your place as cock loving bitches! why else would those scanlation groups put so much time and effort into drawing the schlong, a man's pride and joy?

we must stop this blatant attack against the female masses! stop looking at gay stuff and get back in your place of kicking the asses of your male compatriots! don't let the patriarchy brainwash you with the succelent intertwining bodies of men!!!

please give me your opinions on this!!!1! this is very important to me, and i will be glaad to exploin whyy!!!
24 08,2020
i don't really have anything against blackie. I just, why create discussions when literally anyone that disagrees with you gets blocked?

look honey, we get it. you want to "start conversations". but you literally make it so that no one can converse with you because you, uh, blocked them ( ̄へ ̄)

if you don't want to see the opinions of those you disagree with, why start a discussion where said opinions would be present the most? it makes it seem like all you're doing is preaching your opinions, and creating an echo chamber to further "verify" your opinions.

also a large part of me thinks that this is a very elaborate satire account. if so, then mad fucking respect. If not, uh, well then.

to anyone else that does stuff like this, just, why.
18 02,2021
Hi there, this is OhLookAQueer. I'm not here for satire, this is a discussion that i'm actually really interested in seeing the results of.

What I'm wondering is if it is possible to fetishize BL without fetishing real life gay people in addition to the LGBT community.

If this seems too long, then just go down into the comments and say what you think about the subject.
However, if you'd like some more insight into what i'm saying, feel free to read the rest of this.

I've seen a lot of people going against BL fans and BL because they accuse it of fetishizing gay people. While I do think that it is doing that (and BL isn't the only thing we can point at; most mainstream hentai fetishizes women and lesbians too), that's not the issue that I'm going to be debating.

Let me explain.

Let's take an example of a parallel: Girl-on-girl hentai aimed at straight men. If you look at the people reading them, the reason why they're reading them is not because they're "lesbians"; it's because they find 2 naked women having sex as arousing, because they're straight men who are attracted to women. However, there are also people that take that attraction to another level and start to see lesbians as a whole as arousing, even outside of their erotica.

I'd say that these are two groups of people that are similar, but have different ways of thinking.

If you ask people that read BL why they read it, there's 3 catagories: people that just want to see hot guys, people that like the relationships, and people that are looking at it purely because it is gay.

In the case of people that "fetishize" it, you could say that there are ALSO 3 catagories:
-People who are fetishizing the characters because they're male
-People who are "fetishizing" the emotional interactions and feelings of the characters. (not sure who would do this, but you could count people that "fetishize" trauma and stuff)
-People who are fetishizing the idea and concept of homosexuality as a whole.

The first 2 catagories don't really count as fetishizing gay people, because the fetish isn't focused on the fact that they are gay.

The last catagory is the main example that I think would count as fetishizing gay people.

Now, this within itself can potentially be harmful, but in all seriousness most "fetishes" don't end up effecting people; most people keep them to themselves. If you do fetishize gay people solely for the fact that they are gay, while it is concerning and does raise some issues that you might need to work out on your own, as long as it remains within your own life and doesn't effect others, it isn't a very pressing issue.

The MAIN issue are those people who fetishize gay people on the basis of their homosexuality and go out of their way to effect others.

THESE are the people that are the issue. The people that obsess over gay people and force their interests upon anyone. Those that see gay people as objects and expect them to have amazing sexual experiences. Those that expect all gay people to be like their BLs.

In the other cases that I have stated (i.e. fetishizing men and "fetishizing" romantic and sexual relationships), most outward behaviors that could occur wouldn't impact and objectify the LGBT community. It's still not GOOD to let any of your fetishes effect other people, but it's not the issue that we're trying to stop.

Hence, I believe that it is possible to fetishize certain aspects of BL without fetishizing the LGBT community and its concepts. However, this is all purely hypothetical, and everything i've stated is from my observatipns only.

Has anyone else had any experiences that support or disprove my claims? Let me know, I'm really interested in seeing how this discussion goes.

so yeah anyways hope you have a nice day i'm gonna go eat a sandwich-
25 01,2021
i did some research for my college thesis, and you'll never guess what i uncovered o-o

i was online, looking for some people to interview for my paper on anti-civil rights propaganda in the early 70's, and i came across a forum post from a ex-US embassy member from japan.

according to this guy, he had investigated a series of propaganda disguised as comics in japan, that was created to undermine the feminist movement.

i reached out to him, and he agreed to tell me what i know (this is because the confidentiality liscence on this information had just recently been voided)

what he told me was shocking.

so you see, back in the 70's, the feminist movement had begun. the patriarchy across the world was panicking, as they feared that people would see the true nature of their heinous ways.

so they decided to go undercover.

how could they convince the woke masses of females to run back to their superior male counterparts?

portray them in an "enlightened" light

so they got to work. disguising themselves as females, they created their own subgenre in the blossoming world of japanese erotica. by portraying their ideal male/female relationship in the form of 2 men, the women readers would identify with the feminine one, and long for the manly man to embrace them with their stylized features.

they focused on the most important manly aspects of the male body.
the schlong
the hands
the strong jaw

by diguising their propaganda as gay erotica, their nefarious work went under the noses of many, and ended up being praised for their representation

females were hooked, drooling over men once more!

now this propaganda has been fully accepted by the female masses, and without knowing it, have IMPROVED the effectiveness of the propaganda by making it more accurate, and making the men hotter! they had no idea that they were promoting the patriarchy's agenda!

i was shocked after hearing the man speak. it all made sense, the convoluted consent, the mess of "woah, you're just like a girl" characters, and the misappropriation of the gay community.

this information is not readily available. you can find some documents on the homeland security website that slightly fits this, but nothing goes into great detail. as yaoi fan myself, i feel that it is in my best interest to spread the news and share this with you.

it's so sad tbh u-u

makes me wanna cry o-o

anyways this is totally the truth and i'm not lying, i swear
26 08,2020
Just Wondering What You Guys Think

If Something That Someone Says Promotes Negative Emotions And Ideas For A Specific Group Of People, Should That Be Illegal?

This Can Be Expanded To Religious Blasphemy, Jokes About Serious Events, Stereotyping, And Sexual Jokes.
28 08,2020