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Boobs's answer page 1 (112)

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about question
i wish authors couldve just written them as normal bdsm stories rather than a weird instinct that you cant resist. the domsub universe is probably one of my least favorite alternative universes.   1 reply
12 04,2024
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me personally i was looking through someones profile and came across a LOLI doujin they read where it had a FOUR year old... worst part was that the artist drew her like an actual 4 yr old   reply
23 07,2023
about question
USUALLY????? there isnt enough omega x omega out there for a usually   3 reply
13 05,2024
um this is a pretty problematic question to be asking cuz its giving fetishizing mlm (especially if youre not a guy)   1 reply
31 07,2023
about lmao
04 08,2023
I heard a bit of it... its good but i dont support her. like why are so many 'progressive' female singers having a shitty dumpster fire of a human being as their boyfriend. also like why does she diss her old music when it LITERALLY got her to where she is now.   reply
04 08,2023
about question
18 07,2023
just a psa but theres been a whole nother site (just for this section on here) thats existed since january   3 reply
18 07,2023
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27 07,2023
yeah like there was a few thousand ppl on here b4 but now it feels like 100   1 reply
27 07,2023
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me waiting for the imageEDIT: This is what ive come up with on a whim (also ignore the shitty ears i cant draw hair without them ) 14th century monkembrace the bald   3 reply
29 07,2023
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28 07,2023
like in what universe r ppl ok with someone beating up their sex partner and still wanting them to get together   1 reply
28 07,2023
about question
not said but a girl tried hitting on me knowing full well im gay cuz 'she likes them fruity' she also asked a bunch personal questions like 'are you a top or bottom' etc etc   5 reply
31 07,2023
That all my top favorite manhwas/mangas all have the mc suffering over and over   reply
04 08,2023
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18 07,2023
tbh i feel like alot popular bls are falling right back into red flag utopia.. like idk how jinx is even popular vesides the fact the author is the creator of bj alex.   1 reply
18 07,2023
Yea i try to figure out who the hell are these people and where did they find me   reply
03 03,2024
about question
pause i thought we stopped calling ourselves fujoshis since 2021   1 reply
31 07,2023
about question
like why are you so ignorant at your grown age   reply
31 07,2023
vagina   reply
30 04,2021
28 07,2023
  8 reply
28 07,2023