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kitti's answer page 1 (23)

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i mean u do u bb as long as ur not hurting anyone w ur actions ig   reply
23 08,2020
kitti 01 07,2021
i feel you; i hate when people pull this kind of shit. like what are you trying to achieve lol literally nobody cares if u watch animal abuse or gore; keep that to urself! seems like they want to brag about not being “sensitive” for attention, but literally no one gives a fuck   reply
01 07,2021
victim blaming??? why do you hate him   reply
12 04,2021
kitti 23 08,2020
um good for you man   reply
23 08,2020
hair follicles   reply
04 08,2020
kitti 24 09,2020
no one is required to have children just because they can have them lol, same with cis heterosexual couples and any other. i dislike the rape and abuse too but it’s a concept in omegaverse because that’s what the system is supposed to display. the relationship between the low and the high class, the status of certain genders. ofc the glorified ......   reply
24 09,2020
kitti 23 09,2020
try ur best but we won’t pay for ur bail babe   reply
23 09,2020
period blood   reply
24 08,2020
kitti 24 06,2020
you say you aren’t homophobic just because you ship guys, yet you call lesbian sexual relationships disgusting?? and wanting to be a man just so you can be gay just shows that you fetishize gay(male) relationships lmao. i don’t know who you though was gonna agree with this, it’s vastly ignorant and you need to be educated   reply
24 06,2020
kitti 15 12,2020
last time i checked the world didn’t revolve around u and people were allowed to have their own opinions and interests lol   reply
15 12,2020
it’s still cheating so, no??? don’t devalue urself n ur worth as a person just because you’re a particular gender!! cheating is unjustified no matter the gender or sex of the one your partner cheats with   reply
25 07,2020
im not in your position at all but im sorry that their actions are making you uncomfortable. u should let people know if they try to ask you anything you don’t want to answer cause it’s 100% not ur fault at all!!   reply
24 08,2020
sorry if i trail off into something that was off the subject; i didn’t want the video so i’m not quite sure if this is exactly what you are addressing. any relationship built from incest will inherently never be a non-toxic one. the power dynamic in a regular romantic relationship vs an incestual & familial relationship is so vastly different;......   1 reply
13 02,2021
the way im not even gonna read all of that   reply
22 09,2020
about question
kitti 26 01,2021
i’m so embarrassed for the people who took this seriously & got critical in the replies   reply
26 01,2021
doesnt matter to me, it’d be over afterward anyway   1 reply
05 11,2020
about question
she/her! fav song is snuff by slipknot, and i love writing & anything fashion/styling related!!   reply
26 05,2021
thanks for that   1 reply
24 08,2020